Sandy Lee

Range Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Premier’s sessional statement indicated that the negotiations are underway and that construction could begin as early as this fall. So I’d like to ask the Minister about what the timeline is. While he cannot reveal all the details, it certainly sounds like the deals are imminent. So could he give us an indication as to whether it’s weeks away or months away or what is the timeline of that negotiation? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions are on the Premier’s statement yesterday about the negotiations going on about the concession agreements and the project financing of the Deh Cho project. I think the questions could be answered by either the Premier or the Minister of Transportation. Mr. Speaker, I just want to preface it by, obviously even though I support this project 1,000 percent, it has to stand on its own leg and make a sound business case. But business case for public business is a little different than a private business, which is profit motivated. A bridge like this...

Debates of , (day 4)

Maybe our Law Clerk can help me with this. It was committee’s understanding that the Law Society was formally contacted. I think it’s important that they have a say in this. It was our understanding from somebody that this was communicated to them and they had no objection to this amendment. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Ms. Austin. One of our witnesses, Ms. Peterson, when she appeared before us, she gave us an example. I think in her view, even if you have separate offices in legal services, that is not any different from any law firms and many large law firms and even law firms in Yellowknife where they have offices in Yellowknife, Vancouver and Toronto. There are lots of branch offices here where they are headquartered elsewhere. Even if a lawyer has a file in Yellowknife, a lawyer employed by that same law firm based in Vancouver would not be able to take on the other side of the same file...

Debates of , (day 4)

…ever so conscientious, and we’ve done travels on this bill and others. You know, this bill is very interesting and it is trying to address the larger public interest goal of making access to legal services and legal counsel more available to those residents in the NWT who qualify for legal aid. I think everybody is aware of the shortage of lawyers not only here but everywhere in Canada, and we have heard over the years about the serious backlog in family law files and criminal files, which are the other…Probably the criminal don’t have as much of a waiting list as family files but, at any...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Madam Chair. Just a final follow-up to that. I know that although we didn’t have a lot of people coming before us in the committee, this initiative has gone through public consultation in at least three communities. I have had lots of people come up and tell me that they would like to see this legislation passed as soon as possible. We do work here, but not everybody knows what we are doing here on a daily basis. I would like to ask the Minister if he would commit to doing some sort of public awareness, not a campaign but just a public service announcement, maybe a little 30-30...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I would like to just state how important this legislation is really in terms of consumer protection. It is quite surprising that some of the provisions being provided in this bill were either not completed or inadequately addressed in the original Condominium Act. In Yellowknife, I have lived here for…This is my 29th year. In the last 15 years or so, lots of condominiums have gone up or existing dwellings or apartment buildings, but they could be just a collection of housing units or mobile homes have condominiumized. There was a lot happening once in the early...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Just as a Member, I would like to speak in support of this bill. I do appreciate that this may not be the most exciting and stimulating piece of legislation that we have had to deal with, but it is an important bill to address a gap that we’ve had in our business practice, legislation, where for those professionals who are not able to take advantage of the law that allows corporations incorporation that is available to other professionals or other businesspeople in order that they be free from liability issues that could…I don’t think this takes away liability...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In terms of timing, we are here until next Thursday. We don’t meet again until next August. I’d like to know if he could tell us when is that 30-day period. Maybe he could sneak that answer in and also answer the question as to whether he’s…He mentioned that the federal government has this project at the top of its list, but what is, are there any meetings proposed, are their officials meeting on this project, and could he give us a date on that? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My understanding of this project is that government will make an investment, whether it be the GNWT or federal government, to lend the money to the corporation and the corporation will levy enough toll to pay for the project and make a little bit of profit so that the communities can benefit from that. But the return on investment has to be viable. So I’d like to ask the Minister to confirm whether the cost of the project and the increase that’s going on is still making it viable for the corporation to be able to pay the money over a period of time that’s been...