Sandy Lee

Range Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier in my statement today, in speaking about the various forms of violence, one of the things I mentioned is the importance and the important work that our frontline workers do to deal with a lot of social issues. I should state that my question is for the Minister of Health and Social Services. I can tell you that one of the things the Yellowknife committee has been working on at the frontline is the SideDoor Youth Centre. This is a place where there is shelter provided and they have a Living Room Program, which has gone through a pilot project for...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate his answer, but I am not sure if I got as much commitment as I would like to see, Mr. Speaker. I just want to build on his first answer and say yesterday in the House we talked about the merit of this government spending $320,000 to do a review on an office building. Mr. Speaker, a program like this, we are talking $20,000 or $30,000 a year to keep these youth off the streets and into a program where they can engage in healthy activities. Can I ask the Minister to make a commitment here to say that he will review this and he will do all he can to revive...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, earlier in my statement today, in speaking about the various forms of violence, one of the things I mentioned is the importance and the important work that our frontline workers do to deal with a lot of social issues. I should state that my question is for the Minister of Health and Social Services. I can tell you that one of the things the Yellowknife committee has been working on at the frontline is the SideDoor Youth Centre. This is a place where there is shelter provided and they have a Living Room Program, which has gone through a pilot project for...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I take that answer to be saying that it’s not a question of if, but it’s when. On that optimistic note, Mr. Speaker, I think the expectation was raised in that there was a pilot program. It went until March and they were looking for funding, and this is June and it’s not forthcoming. Can I ask the Minister when will these people be able to expect to hear from the Minister as to whether their project is a go or not? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I must say I am very pleased that the Minister’s cold heart is warming up and there is a glimmer of hope that we may still keep this program going. So, Mr. Speaker, may I just take this opportunity to give the chance to review this program and perhaps he could make the results of the pilot program to us. Will he give full consideration to extending and continuing this very important program in our community? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today is an historical day in the fight against violence against women, especially the violence against aboriginal women in the NWT. At 9:30 a.m. this morning, our aboriginal women, along with their friends and supporters and community groups, started a walk to Behchoko; a walk of over 100 kilometres in the name of raising awareness of this very important and pressing issue.

Mr. Speaker, we’re well aware that every day there are aboriginal women being assaulted and murdered and often forgotten and neglected by our society. We also know that violence of all...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I take that answer to be saying that it’s not a question of if, but it’s when. On that optimistic note, Mr. Speaker, I think the expectation was raised in that there was a pilot program. It went until March and they were looking for funding, and this is June and it’s not forthcoming. Can I ask the Minister when will these people be able to expect to hear from the Minister as to whether their project is a go or not? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I must say I am very pleased that the Minister’s cold heart is warming up and there is a glimmer of hope that we may still keep this program going. So, Mr. Speaker, may I just take this opportunity to give the chance to review this program and perhaps he could make the results of the pilot program to us. Will he give full consideration to extending and continuing this very important program in our community? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today is an historical day in the fight against violence against women, especially the violence against aboriginal women in the NWT. At 9:30 a.m. this morning, our aboriginal women, along with their friends and supporters and community groups, started a walk to Behchoko; a walk of over 100 kilometres in the name of raising awareness of this very important and pressing issue.

Mr. Speaker, we’re well aware that every day there are aboriginal women being assaulted and murdered and often forgotten and neglected by our society. We also know that violence of all...

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you. Just a few short comments to add to this, Mr. Chairman. I think Mr. McLeod is right when he said that around here we lose the concept of money. We throw around $100,000 here, $200,000 here, $200 million like it's just numbers, you know, and $330,000 is at least $100,000 more than my house is worth. Three hundred twenty thousand would get us at least three teachers, or at least five special education assistants. It would get us at least three Novel housing, according to the Minister of Housing's math. It really is a lot of money. On the basis of what we're hearing, that is not...