Sandy Lee

Range Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish to report that the Standing Committee on Social Programs has reviewed Bill 3, An Act to Amend the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Bill 4, An Act to Amend the Education Act, and Bill 5, An Act to Amend the Judicature Act, and wishes to report that Bill 3, Bill 4 and Bill 5 are ready for consideration in Committee of the Whole. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate that the Minister works hard to increase funding in special needs, but the Minister has even admitted himself that he has an obligation. We have an obligation to students to provide support to those who need it, and obviously we are not meeting that. I am thinking that the only way we are going to know whether we are meeting them or not, we have to know what the needs are. I am telling you, Mr. Speaker, there are classrooms in our territory where there might be 50 percent of students who need special needs funding, and 10 percent, 15...

Debates of , (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question today is for the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. It is in regard to the Member’s statement I made earlier. Mr. Speaker, it never ceases to amaze me how in government we often throw money at things hoping that that would fix things. Only six years ago, when I got here, our first budget for the NWT post-division was around $700 million. Now we have increased it to almost $1.2 billion. I think it is incumbent on us to make sure that the money we are spending is going to the right places, doing the right thing and doing the...

Debates of , (day 8)

Mr. Speaker, I have to tell you that there are a lot of problems that we deal with in this hall that are not just about money. As we speak, I don’t believe the Minister and the Department of ECE knows exactly how the priorities are set. They have no idea what the real needs are for special needs students in our schools and our board in our areas. They’re just saying, okay, we’ll just give you a part of school funding and you do with it what you can. I’m telling you, as I walk through the halls of Range Lake North School, in the six years, even if the budget went up by 100 percent, there is...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I appreciate the Minister’s willingness to do that but, for the record, I just want to state once again how disappointed I am that all the Cabinet Ministers responsible for their portfolio have been neglectful in looking at the things that are applicable to their portfolios in talking about the transfer of TTC. Now, when the Minister contacts the Alison McAteer House which is run out of YWCA, would he consider increasing the funding of this organization to compensate for the loss they will have, seeing that he is already well aware of the shoestring budget that they...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I have questions for the Minister of Justice and it’s in regard to the joint staff relationship between the YWCA and the TTC. Madam Speaker, I heard, with interest, the Minister’s statement earlier today about the new legislation, the Protection Against Family Violence Act, which is groundbreaking legislation that just got started in April. It’s going to take some time to get it working well and, as the Minister indicated in his statement, the YWCA is a key organization in implementing this legislation. It is a clearing centre in Yellowknife and...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to two members of the Range Lake North School parents advisory group for their distinguished and long volunteer services at the school.

Madam Speaker, on the first Wednesday of every month since becoming an MLA, unless I am out of town, I have attended the parents advisory group meeting at Range Lake North School and I was able to do that again last night. But this time it was a gathering of appreciation and farewell. Linda Corkal has served as the chair of the committee for the past 11 years. Sue...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. May I ask the Minister to make a commitment to do a thorough analysis of the impact of the transfer of TTC on the operation of YWCA, including the Alison McAteer House, and report to either the Social Programs committee or to this House as soon as possible? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. The facts are that the three very specialized professionals such as a person involved in a project with child recovery or a person who works on teen dating, violence prevention and other specially trained people work in YWCA and they use the TTC as a place to practice their specialty. They also get up to one-third of their income working at TTC. Seeing as the Minister has already acknowledged the important role that the YWCA has to play in the implementation of this new act, what analysis, if any, has he done? If he has not done so already, would he commit to do that...

Debates of , (day 7)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Thank you, colleagues. Madam Speaker, the teachers were mostly grateful for the leadership role they played in organizing a major fundraising event called Family Fun Night for the past 11 years. During that time they have raised thousands of dollars. Just last year I was there when we were able to give out $10,000 that we raised and distributed to teachers and students. I have to say I really enjoyed this process. Each teacher applied for money and we go around the table looking at the merit of each proposal. We talk around the table until we all achieve a...