Sandy Lee

Range Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 47)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I appreciate this, it’s just that you can never be as certain as you’d like to have it. Mr. Speaker, could the Minister indicate whether or not the budget that this House just passed included any elements there that could specifically fall into funding a facility or program money like this? I also heard that in Inuvik there is a youth group there that is having a problem with funding and I’m just wondering if the government has separate pockets of money that look after the needs of the youth in this way. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. With all the resources he had, the Minister still hasn’t got the beverage recycling plant off the ground, he hasn’t brought in the Wildlife Act that’s been in the works for 10 years, and people are crying in the public media saying we want to take part in having a say about what’s going to happen to us with this development. All the Minister is doing is creating government positions in offices. Mr. Speaker, would the Minister not revisit this and see how the money could be better spent in making a difference in people’s lives? Thank you.


Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I’m sure that all governments across the country are bigger than ourselves. But we are smaller than the rest of them, as well. We’re only 40,000 people and, Mr. Speaker, most of the positions that are being created are senior management positions. They are not going to add to the people on the ground who need to be in contact with communities to do the work. In the end, I really don’t think it’s going to make a difference in a way that people want to see it. It really, Mr. Speaker, was done to minimize the pain in reorganization and I think the Minister...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, further to my statement today, I’d like to ask questions to the Minister of RWED. Mr. Speaker, we have been hearing a lot in the news and during our budget session where we have not been able to fund everything that we need to. I really do believe that for the people out there, they don’t really care if we have 28 more positions in RWED or wherever else. What makes the difference to them is what’s happening in their communities and to facilities that are breaking down. We have places with no indoor gyms, we’re closing facilities, and I just heard now that...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, the Standing Committee on Social Programs conducted its public review of Bill 15, Tlicho Community Services Agency Act, on December 10th, 2004. The committee would like to thank the Minister and his staff for presenting the bill. Bill 15 is the last of three pieces of NWT legislation needed to implement the Tlicho agreement. The bill will create a new agency which will replace the Dogrib Community Services Board and assume the responsibility for delivering education, health and social services to residents of the Tlicho region. Bill 15 is based on both...

Debates of , (day 44)

Would the Minister revisit this issue? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I stated in my Member’s statement, this department, before a split, runs with an $80 million budget. That’s a lot of money. Everybody here knows there are always vacancies in any department. There is a lot of room for the Minister to manoeuvre; 20 or 30 percent vacancies. Mr. Speaker, the Minister is already aware and he has already stated that there will be hardly any funding for individuals or small NGOs to take part in the Mackenzie Valley review process. Most of the government funding goes to other levels of governments and huge organizations. How can he justify...

Debates of , (day 44)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I’d like to once again register my concern with the fact that the division of RWED will result in the creation of 28 new jobs at a cost of $2.8 million every year. Mr. Speaker, I understand that the department needed to streamline and separate their mandates between exploring resources to protecting the environment. But that didn’t give the government the right to reproduce themselves 28 more little positions in offices. Mr. Speaker, I don’t accept the Minister’s position that this had to be done in order to better respond to the work of preparing for the...

Debates of , (day 43)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of RWED in his capacity as the Minister responsible for the BIP. I would like to know if the Minister and the Cabinet have decided whether or not to waive the BIP with respect to 22 additional mobile homes under the market housing initiative. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 43)

Mr. Speaker, I’m saying to the Minister that he is not meeting that objective he just stated. Mr. Speaker, this is not addressing the lack of housing in communities. Fourteen of 22 units are sitting empty in Tulita, Fort Good Hope, Fort Liard, Lutselk’e, Fort Resolution, and they have to be sold on the general market. So I want to know if that is a policy now, that the NWT Housing Corporation is officially now the middleman to be a dealer for mobile homes down south to go to communities. Is that what the government’s policy is now? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.