Sandy Lee

Range Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. May I have the breakdown for $292,000, please? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I was assuming that fees and payments allocated for $4.2 million would include this kind of contract. Now I am learning that it does not. I am surprised to learn that there is no dollar amount allocated in that. Shouldn’t that be part of the planning when a government is asking for an interest from businesses to come up with a training plan for two years? Is there any idea at all from the Cabinet office or executive offices, or whoever was in charge of putting this out? Obviously there was a need for it, the Premier indicated that the needs survey for training of...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Madam Chair. I just have some questions with respect to the money that the government spends on utility bills, and as Members might have made a note of me asking questions to every department and every division, and often under the other expenses section the big items that I noticed were either contract services or utilities. Some divisions like I think Education or any sections where they have buildings, whether it be facilities or government offices, there are huge utility bills that can work up to $300,000 or $400,000 or anywhere in there. I want to know if DPW has any...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I understand that, and I guess at the end of the year when all the Members report their spending, then they will be allocated according to the different expenditure items here. I am assuming, and I need a confirmation that should there be. For example, a travel budget went over $261,000, they will be moved around from another sub-category under other expenses. That is my guess. My final question on top of that is how much of either these contract services or fee payments, which I am assuming is where it is coming from, is the expenditure related to Members’...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I need to make note of the fact that this is one of the divisions where more is being allocated under other expenses than compensation and benefits. I don’t understand why something like a program would be budgeted under fees and payments. Maximizing northern employment is a separate program on its own. I really think that the Members on this side should work with the government to change the way we allocate these budget numbers and how we categorize them. Having said that, Mr. Chairman, earlier today I tabled a document and it was an expression of interest for...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. May I just reword that question to the Premier on behalf of all these Ministers? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.



Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just would like some more information on this item. This is not including the separate budgets that MLAs get for their constituency work. Is that right? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you. Just one last question on that item. How much entertainment budget do Minister's get? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would suggest that the Minister speaks to his officials and confirms as to whether or not southern companies were contacted about this contract and, if so, whether any northern contracts were contacted as well. Mr. Speaker, my last question; I do not understand the rationale that if we put a break on this tender process until some questions are answered that are being raised by the Members in this House, that we're not going to see housing this fall. I don't understand that rationale. I would like to ask the Minister again whether or not he would consider...

Debates of , (day 10)

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I just want to follow up with my commitment to do this. Other expenses for $55,000, could I have the breakdown, please? Thank you.