Steve Norn
Statements in Debates
Yeah, mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. So just for clarification, what exactly do you want me to retract, like what wording do you want me to retract? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Sorry, can you repeat the question, Mr. Speaker.
Sorry, I was going to continue on. Yeah, I'll retract what the make the referral to the adjudicator's report, and I apologize for that.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Sure, if that's the wishes of the Member, I can retract the referral to the adjudicator's report. I think that's what was mentioned. If I may, can I continue on, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Sorry, it's difficult to hear you. So from what I'm understanding, this is not a point of order, then.
Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker.
Since we have moved on to the orders of the day, I'd like to call a point of privilege, Mr. Speaker.
Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. So am I okay to proceed?
Oh yeah, I was just speaking to the motion because there was mention in the wording and just for clarification that there was recommendation for removal for my seat, and I was just speaking to that. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker.
Going back to the motion, the wording in the motion to remove me from office is surprising, Mr. Speaker. And I don't believe people in the like, in this House can do that. Only my constituents can do that at the polls during election.
Removal from office is overkill and unprecedented. We've had past Members in this House commit serious crimes and still retain their seats.
Okay, I was just waiting for the light to come on here.
You know, and Mr. Speaker, the wording in the motion removing me from the office is surprising and
SOME HON MEMBERS: Retract the statement.