Tom Beaulieu

Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I believe that both the priorities and the fiscal framework should be looked at together. Having said that, can the Minister ensure that, should he be providing the fiscal framework prior to his strategic planning session next week, all leverage dollars be also included in the fiscal framework? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can the Premier also provide, should it become a standing item in Cabinet, can the Premier commit to providing regular updates to the Standing Committee on Social Programs on the cost of living? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can the Premier then develop a mandate for Cabinet to report, and report the mandate on the cost of living back to this Assembly?

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I would like to recognize my brother Harris and my niece Jolene Russell in the gallery today.


Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in relation to that, can I ask the Minister to also provide us with the most updated five-year infrastructure acquisition plan including all projects that are leveraged?

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I have a question for the Minister of Finance. There have been a lot of discussions on this side of the floor of the much needed infrastructure like highways and various public infrastructures in the community. I would like to ask the Minister of Finance if he can provide this Assembly with a fiscal framework for the GNWT prior to the strategic planning session next week.

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Can the Premier consider putting the cost of living as a standing item on the Cabinet’s agenda?

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the cost of living in Lutselk’e are very high due to freight costs, no all-season road, cost of transportation, flight costs, the cost of gas for boating and snowmobiling back and forth, all translates a very high cost for food, and power costs in Lutselk’e is also very high. I would like to ask the Premier today if he would consider looking at appointing a Minister to be the point Minister for the cost of living, similar to a Minister of Youth and Seniors. Thank you.

Debates of , (day 6)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the NWT has enjoyed the benefits of a pristine, natural, regulated environment as a sustained traditional lifestyle for centuries. A very large impact is about to make dramatic changes to the northern environment as we know it. This is climate change. The time frame for this change is very short.

Although the climate change issue has been in the public for some time, people are still unaware of the predicted consequences specifically for the NWT. Even if people worldwide were to stop pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere today, we face very serious...

Debates of , (day 5)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We need to do something to that highway before it disappears into the muskeg or, worse, before a bad accident occurs on that highway. Can the Minister commit to having his officials look at the situation taking into account the potential impact of the Tamerlane project that is being considered right now on the other side of the area of the highway from Fort Resolution due to the potential for high volume traffic for employees at Tamerlane? Can the Minister advise if there will be anything moved up in the capital plan to cover the 56 miles of gravel highway leading...