Wally Schumann

Hay River South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 18)

As I said, this is early days of this project, but we are very mindful of the caribou, moving this whole project forward. Infrastructure has been working very closely with the Department of ENR to identify gaps, particularly around knowledge and opportunities around the caribou. We realize that, as this project advances, this type of work with ENR and others to explore the migration route options and to reduce the impacts of caribou on our proposed route would have to take place, and we will continue to do that.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 18)

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. The P3 business case, we continue to work on it and it should be done shortly, if it isn't done already. I'd have to check on that. We have submitted our comprehensive proposal to the National Trades Corridor Fund with the federal government; we did that last November. We're hopefully going to hear about this funding in the coming months from federal government on what the uptake on that is going to be. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 18)

Mr. Speaker, the Northwest Territories is just a bit different. Just a bit different is the tagline of NWT Tourism's new marketing campaign. It capitalizes on the unique Northern realities that make our territory a special and spectacular travel destination. As we continue to build our territory's tourism industry, the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment is investing to maximize the economic growth and diversity that this sector can provide.

Guided by our Tourism 2020 plan, we are investing in training, capacity building, and product development. We are working to ensure that tourism...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 18)

Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following document entitled "Northwest Territories Tourism Marketing Plan 2018/19." Thank you, Mr. Speaker

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 18)

That's going to depend on the level of funding. This is a significant project that's been submitted, like I said, with the National Trades Corridor Fund, which is application-based with all of Canada. That's where it's sitting presently. There's $2 billion for the whole country. Depending on the level of funding we're getting, it could done in various stages. We'd have to conduct some environmental studies and some engineering studies before we can move to an environmental phase. Depending, of course, on the amount of funding we get, we're going to have to involve consultation in engaging...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 18)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I was listening. Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize a few people here today; Cathie Bolstad, the CEO of NWT Tourism. Welcome to the house, Cathie. Ainsley Lamontagne, marketing director from NWT Tourism. Everyone is going to get a kick out of this year. I'll do a little shout-out to Lillian Elias, my cousin from the Beau-Del. She is doing interpretation in Inuvialuit. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 17)

The Climate Change Strategic Framework will set the overall approach to addressing climate change. It will also guide the broader interests that go beyond just energy. It's going to do climate research, adaptation, resilience activities. The Energy Strategy, as I said, is the primary tool to look at greenhouse gas reductions and energy use in the NWT as set out by our draft that we will be tabling at some point.

Carbon pricing is something that we have been working on that needs to be implemented and encourages carbon conservation, so less use of fossil fuels and the substitutions of that...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 17)

As the Member has stated in this House, he named off all of the targets that we have, and he is correct. Industry has no target in there. We know that industry needs to do its part on this side of things. The Government of the Northwest Territories is going to support their efforts in an incentive program to help industry reduce their emissions around a carbon pricing that we will be bringing forward.

People have asked us how we get these targets, and what we have done, we went to a federal database on the national inventory report on greenhouse gas emissions, and this is where we got our...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 17)

As I have said, we are moving forward with this. The next step is the procurement process of this process, and once we select the contractor, our project team will be getting together to redefine the prototype of the building. As part of that process, we will be engaging the community on this and get their input, but the project team will also include regional staff and local staff. They will be engaging the Health and Social Services authority, which will be engaging the community as well; so we will be able to implement some of the specific things that the community probably wants to see in...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 17)

The Canyon Creek project is a 14 kilometre access road from Norman Wells to the Canyon Creek bridge, as many of us know. We have talked about it in the House many times. Same thing, this is one that we have done with a local group and a local contractor. I was up there early on in the start of this project, and I got to spend some time with some of the students who were doing the simulator training, very similar to what was going on the ITH. I can say that over 70 people are working on this project right now, and 75 per cent of them are Northerners.