Wally Schumann

Hay River South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I wish to table the following document entitled "Memo Resource Act: What We Heard Report." Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 8)

I take a little offence to the Member's comments. We are in support of the mining industry in the Northwest Territories. This is our biggest revenue generator. It employs probably the largest number of people outside the bureaucracy. As I stated yesterday in this House, this is a very complex issue. People focus in on the resource royalties. There's much more than that, that these mines contribute to the Northwest Territories, social economic agreements, land taxes, IBAs, gas taxes, employment. This is a whole-government approach, and it has to be something that's taken seriously, and we will...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 8)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As I stated before in this House around the Mineral Resource Act, there are a number of complex issues that we are moving forward working with intergovernmental council on these issues. The question about resource revenue coming into the GNWT was asked yesterday. This is a very complex issue, as I've stated in this House, and it needs a whole-government approach, and along with intergovernmental council, we have decided to defer that to a later date. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 8)

The Member has his own take on how we're moving this forward. As I've said, the mining industry is the biggest part of our economy. We will continue to support it on this side of the House. Some Members on that side maybe don't clearly want to support it, but we do. Our approach is, we need to support the sector that contributes the largest part of our economy. We will continue to do that, and working with the intergovernmental council moving forward, along with Members of this Assembly and the public, we will move these things as a time as needed. We are working on a Mineral Resource Act at...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Department of ITI has worked extensively in all regions to promote these exact things across our territory. In this particular riding, the department has two economic development officers in his riding, one in Tuktoyaktuk and one in Ulukhaktok. They are on the ground there in the Member's riding to promote our programs in the region and be able to facilitate and steer clients to areas that support funding that suits their needs for their local region. The SEED policy is there to gear towards regional community applications, and I think it is a great program. If...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 7)

As I have said, this is early days with this. You have to remember this is a Transport Canada-funded program through the Nunavut Fisheries and Marine Training Consortium, so we have little knowledge of what is going on because it is not led by us, but my understanding is that it is expected to have up to three instructors starting out presently. That may grow over time as demand is increased. They are willing to hire local people to facilitate this and put on the instructing courses. If we cannot find any people within Hay River or the Northwest Territories to do that, my understanding is that...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 7)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As the Member said, I mentioned it yesterday in the House. These are very early days for the marine training centre that the Nunavut Fisheries and Marine Training Consortium has come forward with to locate in our riding in Hay River, which is great news for our constituents in Hay River, and all residents of the Northwest Territories will be able to access a program such as this.

Presently right now, there is a needs assessment under way for courses that are appropriate for the required training. As these guys operate out of Nunavut, and now moving to the Northwest...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 7)

We can certainly work with any local government or Aboriginal organizations or communities that want to bring prospector training to their community. One of the challenges we face, though, is geologists and prospectors, instructors may be familiar with rocks in a particular area and the learning experience needs to be one that is going to benefit the students. One of the things I think that we need to really look at particularly maybe in that region as things move forward to try to find an industry for the Beau-Del is maybe we have some type of regional collaboration with communities and have...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 7)

I can't tell you exactly the percentage that we get. I would have to get the details from the department, but I can reassure Members in this House that we are about right down the middle of the pipe here with the rest of the country, particularly around the regions that surround the Northwest Territories, and as I have said, we have to take into the context, when we have this review, we have to be able to look at the whole picture and bring in everybody to have this conversation, be it, fuel tax, property taxes. The future of carbon tax in the industry. The lack of infrastructure in the...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 7)

We have already had some discussions when we brought the Mineral Resource Act legislation to the intergovernmental council, which looks at lands and resources of the Northwest Territories. The Premier sat down with them, and we have had that discussion. They have agreed with us that we need to pull this out and have a separate conversation about it, and that is why it not a part of the Mineral Resource Act. We want to make sure we get both of these things right, as they are very important to the residents of the Northwest Territories.

There is more than just the royalties side of it. When we...