Wally Schumann

Hay River South

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

If I remember correctly, and we would have to go to Hansard, I think I made the commitment that, when we put out these campgrounds to tender, because it all comes back to funding, I would actually ask for a provision on how much it would cost to keep these things open a little bit longer. Based on the amount of money that we have allocated, I don't believe that we can do that.

One thing we are doing around winter campgrounds, particularly in the Yellowknife region, is we are looking at keeping these open for entrepreneurs around the tourism sector to be able to access our campgrounds and use...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

In fact, I understand this past year was a record year for research in the region, both national and international researchers. We recognize that these are important economic contributors to the Member's region, but in reality, ITI has little influence on the research schedules. Most research projects are independent in nature and receive logistical support through the Aurora Institute. To date, we have not been aware of any difficulties with research projects in the region, but if there are, we will consider them on a case-by-case basis.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

I will get used to standing up today here. Yes, she could take some of the blame if she wants, the Member, for not asking. The budgetary process is done by all Members of this House, and we know how it is allocated. The budget that ITI has, that is what I have to prescribe to. I can make my case as we go through these deliberations with my Cabinet Members, but there is only so much money to go around for the whole Northwest Territories. That is what I have been allocated, and that is what I will continue to work with.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

As I have said, we are going to be going into the Committee of the Whole. We have clearly laid out what our investment is around the money that we've been allocated, and that we will continue to work on that. I am not scared to talk about tourism. Tourism is a big deal in the Northwest Territories. We just came from an FPT; it's a significant challenge right across this country. Things that I have learned from earlier this week's meeting at our FPT is some of the challenges right across this whole country are no different than what we are facing in our territory. In fact, when they were doing...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think, if the Member is referring to the transportation costs of what it is going to take to get the 700-and-some-thousand litres into these communities, that cost is not going to be added onto the backs of these people in these communities. The process will play out, whatever the POL, our formula, is, to increase or decrease the price of fuel and the price of delivery at the time of delivery of the barges and the price of the purchase of the fuel. That process is still in place, but the actual costs of this extraordinary event to find this fuel is not going to be...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

Mr. Speaker, with over 90 per cent of the NWT's businesses defined as small businesses, this sector is essential to economic health of our communities and a primary driver of economic diversification across our territory. Support from our government is more important than ever before.

This is Small Business Week in Canada. It offers us an opportunity to celebrate the successes of small businesses in the NWT and our support for the people whose life's work is the backbone of our NWT economy.

The role of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment is to foster the environment in which NWT...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

I would agree with the Member that they are out of date, but I am not going to go out and get rid of them immediately. These things are in place. We have mirrored devolution. This is significant change for our government. If we were to do this, we would have to go out and engage all stakeholders in the Northwest Territories. Like I have said, we are only looking at the act right now, not the regulations, but we do have some concerns. I have clearly laid those out and agreed with the Member, but I am not prepared to go out there and just change this on a whim, without engaging all stakeholders...

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

As I just referenced in my previous answer, I'm glad to answer these questions when we get into the Committee of the Whole. If the Member wants to ask me specific questions on this section of highway, I think he will be very happy with his answers.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

No, this is very high-level consultation. They are out there doing this right now. The Member will probably have an opportunity to actually go to that and participate in that. I want to advise this House that ITI, like the MLA, we will be invited to make our comments on this, on this consultation. We are very concerned as well about the liability and the responsibility. That is one of our big concerns around this whole thing. As well, we want to see more certainty and transparency built into this thing. We will be commenting on it, as well.

Debates of , 18th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 40)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I believe the question is, "Have I ever driven the road?" Of course, I've driven that road. I live in Hay River. I've been over there probably every month. I see the condition of the road. This Member has asked me questions about the road conditions there before. I've stated in this House the work that has commenced on there around drainage and these types of things and some geotechnical work. That work has been completed. That will feed into what our next plans are to do with that section of highway. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.