Wendy Bisaro
Statements in Debates
Page 9-14, Justice, activity summary, services to government, grants and contributions, grants, $49,000. Mr. Yakeleya.
Thank you, Minister. I believe the question was whether or not the terms of reference could be provided to committee. Minister Abernethy.
We will miss Ms. Watters. Thank you, Minister. Thank you to the witnesses. Sergeant-at-Arms, if you would escort the witnesses from the Chamber.
Okay, committee, the next department is Health and Social Services, section eight. Minister Beaulieu, do you have opening remarks?
Thank you, Mr. McLeod. I’m sure there will be more questions. We will resume after a short break.
Thank you, Mr. Abernethy. Do you have witnesses that you would like to bring into the Chamber?
Thank you. No one further on my list. We are on page 9-17, activity summary, Justice, law enforcement, operations expenditure summary, $39.469 million.
Thank you, Mr. Bromley. Minister Abernethy.
Page 6-23, Municipal and Community Affairs, activity summary, information item, community operations, active positions.
Page 9-10, Justice, department summary, information item, active position summary.
Page 9-23, Justice, activity summary, court services, operations expenditure summary, $11.446 million. Mr. Bromley.