Wendy Bisaro

Frame Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Let me give an example, Mr. Minister. If we are proposing to cut four jobs from a particular program, what analysis is done to determine that those are the best four jobs to be cut? What research is done to determine that the program is or is not valuable and should be maintained?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Thanks for the answer to that question. The reference, I believe, is to the analysis that is necessary for job cutting within the GNWT public service. I think there’s been a lot of noise made about the lack of analysis done in the previous budget. I think this question deals with that previous budget, but I would like to know from the Minister: what kind of analysis is being done for the cutting of jobs for the operations budget upcoming?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On this last day for Members’ statements for a while I would like to give voice to comments I have received in response to the revenue options paper put out by the Finance Department. The comments were many, and they were thoughtful and included questions such as: “Where is the analysis of the impact of cutting jobs on the GNWT finances? Why are suggestions from knowledgeable people being ignored, and why is critical research absent? Why are cost reduction mechanisms nonexistent?”

But to the suggestions, Mr. Speaker. First and foremost, I received a consistent message...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

I MOVE, seconded by the Honourable Member for Thebacha, that notwithstanding Rule 4, when this House adjourns on October 24, 2008, it shall be adjourned until Wednesday, February 4, 2009.

AND FURTHER, that any time prior to February 4, 2009, if the Speaker is satisfied, after consultation with the Executive Council and Members of the Legislative Assembly, that the public interest requires that the House should meet at an earlier time during the adjournment, the Speaker may give notice and thereupon the House shall meet at the time stated in such notice and shall transact...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, and thank you to my colleagues. I received a perfect example of such waste a few weeks ago. It was a lovely colour report — of minimal value — many pages long and one sided printing; 30 pages of charts, one chart to a page. Several tables using three or four pages would have provided the same information at a fraction of the cost. I really had to wonder what value that report had for me.

NTPC’s board must be told that only after they have clearly demonstrated that all avenues for cost saving have been explored will they be allowed to consider power rate increases for its...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 2)

Maybe it’s me this afternoon, but I’m having a really hard time understanding what the Premier is meaning. Perhaps I could ask him to give me a hypothetical example of a change that would be considered regionalization of our services.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are addressed to the Premier. I mentioned in my Member’s statement the other day that the Premier has a couple of times talked about regionalization of government. Yesterday — and I’m working from unedited Hansard from yesterday — he said that we have “initiatives that we have yet to kick off, which is the regionalization of government operations.” I would like to ask the Premier what is meant by that statement.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 2)

We’ve heard about this review for some time now. I had understood, though, when it was originally put forward, that it was going to be well underway at this point. It sounds now as though it’s going to be some time before we get anywhere. From the Premier’s last answer, it sounds as though the terms of reference are not out there. Can I ask when we might expect the results of this particular review?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions are addressed to the Chair of the Ministerial Energy Coordinating Committee, Mr. McLeod. I stated in my Member’s statement that there needs to be a fundamental change to the NWT Power Corporation. We’re at the beginning of a review, as we’ve heard several times, that’s going to look at electricity rates, regulation and subsidies. But in terms of the Power Corporation itself, I’d like to ask the Minister: what kind of analysis is being undertaken for the NWT Power Corporation as part of this review?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 3rd Session (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. There is a fundamental problem with the mandate of the Northwest Territories Power Corporation and the regulatory regime that it operates under.

Most of us do our best to reduce our power consumption for the benefit of both the environment — reduction of greenhouse gas emissions — and the consumer — less energy used means lower electricity costs — and we should be trying to conserve for both of these reasons. The more we reduce our energy consumption, the less power we use. The less power we use, the more NTPC revenues drop. The more their revenues drop, the more riders...