Wendy Bisaro

Frame Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

I hear the Hon. Member from across the floor, but I have to again state there is no indication in the materials and explanations that we have had, apart from his words just now, that indicates that this is an urgent item. I gather that the system is already there, and I understand that it needs to be upgraded but, again, my understanding was that this interim appropriation was basically for items which were under contract, which were a safety measure or which were urgently required. I don’t know why this item can’t wait ‘til May or June.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

I have a question in regard to the jet boat expense scheduled for Norman Wells. I wonder what the urgency is for this addition. I don’t believe it was in the ’07 – ‘08 main estimates. There is a jet boat for Behchoko that I gather was in the main estimates last year, but the one for Norman Wells was not. If I can get an explanation as to the urgency of this particular expenditure or if it’s a safety issue. I don’t see prior expenditures, so it doesn’t seem to be a contract issue.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to return to item 15, notices of motion.

Unanimous consent granted.

Motion 7-16(2)

Extended adjournment of

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

To the Department of Municipal and Community Affairs.

Will the Minister advise the per annum cost to the Government of the N.W.T. for our participation in the Arctic Winter Games for the current Games and past four Games (Games held in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008)? All costs should be considered, to include but not limited to:

G.N.W.T. funding contributions to Host Societies

Costs of Arctic Winter Games Regional Trials

Costs of Arctic Winter Games Territorial Trials

Cost of clothing for Arctic Winter Games participants

Cost for two N.W.T. representatives (Members) on the Arctic Winter Games...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

Mr. Speaker, one last question. I guess I would take from that answer that there is nothing in place, from a department perspective, that ensures that teachers are in a safe environment in their school and their classroom.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

Mr. Speaker, I'll try my question again, since you told me last time I was changing horses in midstream.

I'd like to address my question to the Minister of Education. Does the department have a zero-tolerance policy that addresses violence toward teachers in school?

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

I’m very glad to hear that the department is working on trying to find housing for teachers. There is a concern, as well, about the housing that exists in communities and that the housing that teachers are given…. There may be housing available, but it’s not very satisfactory housing. I’d like to know if the department is doing anything to try and upgrade those houses so that the living conditions for teachers are what they should be.

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

As mentioned yesterday, this is Education Week. We have over 800 teachers in our 33 communities, capably represented by the NWTTA, the N.W.T. Teachers’ Association.

But in all of our communities, teachers and their boards face obstacles. Public education should be fair and equitable for all students, yet our schools are not fully funded and must use school fees, fundraising efforts and corporate donations to finance some of their programs. Somehow we must find the dollars to completely fund all of our school programs and ensure equal opportunities for students, no matter where they live or...

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

I move that $85,000 be deleted from the interim appropriation detail booklet amount set out in Schedule 2, Capital Investment Expenditures, item number 9, Environment and Natural Resources on page 6, for the project “Lightning Location System.”

Debates of , 16th Assembly, 2nd Session (day 10)

I give notice that on Thursday, February 21, 2008, I will move the following motion. I move, seconded by the Hon. Member for Thebacha, that, notwithstanding rule 4, when this House adjourns on February 21, 2008, it shall be adjourned until Thursday, May 22, 2008. And further, that any time prior to May 22, 2008, if the Speaker is satisfied after consultation with the Executive Council and Members of the Legislative Assembly, that the public interest requires that the House should meet at an earlier time during the adjournment, the Speaker may give notice, and thereupon the House shall meet at...