Wendy Bisaro

Frame Lake

Statements in Debates

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight a venerable and valuable volunteer organization that’s been with us for a long time. The United Way movement was born out of a community collective philosophy which began in Denver, Colorado, in 1887 and spread to Canada in 1917. The United Way of Yellowknife is still young, established about four years ago, but it’s an active organization. It’s been set up so that contributions can be made to your personal organization of choice and donations made through the United Way of Yellowknife stay in the NWT; 99.25 percent of the...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have to say that I think that there is a huge amount of unfairness in the way that this has proceeded. I don’t feel that players should be allowed after rules have been fully investigated, from what I understand, some time ago. The rules were changed. There was agreement among all parties that the rules should be as they were, that the players should not be able to join teams from another region. I understand the Minister’s desire to have more players than fewer players compete, but I think it is an extremely unfair process. I would like to ask the Minister...

Debates of , (day 4)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Human Resources. As I mentioned in my Member’s statement, the United Way of Yellowknife contribution drive is well underway. The deadline for GNWT employees to sign up for payroll deductions is December 14th. Mr. Speaker, will the Minister commit to use the resources at his disposal to provide a reminder of this deadline to all of us in the GNWT prior to December 14th? Thank you.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I’d like to take this opportunity to profile an organization of benefit to all NWT residents. Forty years ago, two far-seeing and forward-thinking northern leaders had an idea for a sporting event for northern athletes. With the assistance of Alaska Governor Walter Hickel, then-Commissioners Stuart Hodgson of the NWT and James Smith of Yukon developed the idea into a concept and the Arctic Winter Games were born. The very first Arctic Winter Games were held in Yellowknife in 1970.

Members should all be aware by now that Yellowknife and the NWT will be...

Debates of , (day 3)

WHEREAS Rule 85 requires that Members be appointed to the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure;

NOW THEREFORE I MOVE, seconded by the honourable Member for Tu Nedhe, that the following Members be appointed to the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure:

Mrs. Jane Groenewegen, the Member for Hay River South;

Mr. David Ramsay, the Member for Kam Lake;

Mr. David Krutko, the Member for Mackenzie Delta;

Mr. Jackie Jacobson, the Member for Nunakput;

Mr. Bob Bromley, the Member for Weledeh;

AND FURTHER, that the following Members be appointed to the Standing...

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I give notice that on Thursday, November 29, 2007, I will move the following motion: Now therefore I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Tu Nedhe, that the following Members be appointed to the Standing Committee on Economic Development and Infrastructure: Mrs. Jane Groenewegen, the Member for Hay River South; Mr. David Ramsay, the Member for Kam Lake; Mr. David Krutko, the Member for Mackenzie Delta; Mr. Jackie Jacobson, the Member for Nunakput; Mr. Bob Bromley, the Member for Weledeh; and further, that the following Members be appointed to the...

Debates of , (day 3)

I seek unanimous consent to finish my statement, please, Mr. Speaker.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to deal with the motion I gave notice of earlier today.

Debates of , (day 3)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I encourage all Members of the House to take part in these 20th Arctic Winter Games as a volunteer. It’s easily done. Go on-line to the Arctic Winter Games website -- www.awg2008.ca -- or, better yet, join the Host Society in a volunteer drive this weekend. You can get a taste of the games Saturday at the Multiplex. You can meet the 2008 Host Society members. You can see Foxy the mascot in action, and you can sign up right there to be a volunteer.

As has already been referenced, the voluntary sector has been invaluable to our communities and ultimately our economy. I...

Debates of , (day 2)

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to deal with the motion I gave notice of earlier today.