Debates of February 15, 2005 (day 36)


Minister’s Statement 80-15(3): Clarification Of Status Of Women’s Council Role In GNWT Initiatives

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on October 28, 2004, Mrs. Groenewegen asked me to confirm that the NWT Status of Women Council was invited to be a full participant in the preparation of the NWT action plan on family violence. I would like to clarify my answers to Mrs. Groenewegen.

The Coalition Against Family Violence developed the NWT action plan on family violence, 2003-2008, and presented it to the Government of the Northwest Territories in October of 2003. The Status of Women Council is a member of that coalition.

To develop a response, the GNWT brought together representatives from several GNWT departments that had a role in the prevention of family violence. That group prepared the Government of the Northwest Territories response to the coalition’s action plan referred to by Mrs. Groenewegen. No non-government agencies were involved in the development of the GNWT’s response. I apologize for the confusion caused by my earlier comments about this issue.

The Status of Women Council was not involved in the development of the GNWT response. They were, however, invited to review the public awareness plan related to the implementation of the family violence action plan but did not attend those meetings.

The Status of Women Council does, however, remain actively involved in the monitoring of the GNWT response. I have been in contact with them to discuss a meeting with their board to provide an update on the actions that the GNWT continues to take to meet our commitments to help prevent family violence in the NWT. Prior to the meeting, I will be updating the Coalition Against Family Violence by letter on the status of the GNWT’s action. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.