Debates of February 24, 2005 (day 43)


Thank you, Mr. Pokiak. Mr. Minister.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It's a result of there being 33 fewer students enrolled at the end of September this school year, compared to the previous school year.

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Page 9-40, detail of funding allocated to education authorities. Agreed?


Page 9-42, active positions by region. Questions?


Page 9-43, active positions by community, education authorities. Agreed?


Page 9-45, college funding allocation.


Page 9-46, work performed on behalf of others. That continues on to page 9-48, for a total of $9.905 million. Agreed?


We’re going to go back to page 9-7, and that's the operations expenditure summary, $245.003 million.


Let's go to the capital acquisition book and we'll start on page 7-4. Page 7-4, education and culture, infrastructure investment summary, total net book value and work in progress, $137.050 million.


Page 7-5, infrastructure acquisition plan, education and culture, total tangible capital assets, $14.998 million. Mr. Pokiak.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just for the record, I'd like to ask the Minister why there's nothing allocated there for the Mangilaluk School. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Thank you, Mr. Pokiak. Mr. Minister.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. There's no money in here for an addition to Mangilaluk School. I have made the offer to the community to provide some staff to work with them, to examine a small renovation to accommodate the high school. I think we agree there needs to be some accommodation to properly house high school students in that school. But, unfortunately, the student population in the community appears to be dropping. The school, at one time, was looking like it would become crowded and we did have an addition on the drawing board; but right now, school capacity is 330 and the school population is only 203. So it has meant that the addition has dropped off the plan. But there's no question that there needs to be something done to accommodate the students better for high school, so the department is prepared to work with the DEA and find a way to renovate part of the school to deal with the high school portion. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Mr. Pokiak.

Thanks, Mr. Chairman. I'm satisfied with that; I just wanted to put it on record. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Pokiak. Back to page 7-5, education and culture, total tangible capital assets, $14.998 million.


Page 7-6, infrastructure acquisition plan, education and culture, infrastructure contributions, total infrastructure contributions, $70,000.


Total activity…Mr. Pokiak.

Thank you again, Mr. Chairman. Under capital infrastructure for community libraries various…Oh, I'm sorry; I'm going to have to wait until next year. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Pokiak. Just a comment. Thank you. Total infrastructure contributions, $70,000.


Total activity, $15.068 million.


Page 7-7, advanced education and careers, infrastructure investment summary, total net book value and work in progress, $37.656 million.


Page 7-8, infrastructure acquisition plan, advanced education and careers, total capital assets, total tangible capital assets, $3.192 million. Mr. Zoe.

Mr. Chairman, enhancement at the territorial level for $500,000; where are they doing this?

Thank you, Mr. Zoe. Mr. Minister.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. That carries on from the line above, so it's case management administration system, system enhancements. So those are a computer program that we use to keep track of income support and student financial assistance and other things like that. It's used across the Northwest Territories. Most of the hardware will be located here in Yellowknife.

Thank you, Mr. Minister. Total tangible capital assets, $3.192 million.


Infrastructure, contributions, $760,000.


Total activity, $3.952 million.


Total department, $19.021 million.


We'll go back to page 7-3, department summary, infrastructure investment summary, total net book value and work in progress, $174.706 million.


Does committee agree that the Department of Education, Culture and Employment's estimates are concluded?
