Debates of January 21, 2004 (day 2)


Thank you, Mr. Speaker. To address and do audits, it would come down to follow-up on that kind of information. If in fact there are a large number of people at one residence, it's something that would trigger an enquiry and is it in fact being used by a multiple number of people who fly in and use that address as a mailbox. That's something that has been raised in this Assembly. We don't have right now something that we can pull out besides more inspections or more audits on files.

The other side of it is if we are going to enhance that area, I would have to look at increasing staffing levels to ensure that we follow through on the submissions made to ensure that people are where they are; if they're actually living in the North or if they're using that and trying to gain benefit at that end. That would affect not only the payroll tax -- if they're using a northern address and qualify for NWT health care -- that would also impact on the cost of government. So it's something we have to look at and ensure that we're doing the best we can. I'll admit now we're not doing enough in that area, but that goes back down to the resources that we have as a Department of Finance to try to catch all of these things that are in place. Thank you.

Question 20-15(2): Abandonment And Restoration Of Miramar Con Mine

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is a follow-up to my statement. It's for the Minister of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, Mr. Bell, and it's about the situation regarding the plans for the abandonment and reclamation of the Miramar Con Mine. Mr. Bell, along with myself and some other MLAs, as long ago as last summer, had written to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board and asked for more public access to a review process for how the company was going to shut down this property. I haven't heard anything from the board since then, and I would like to stress again that the issue is access to the review plans for shutting down the mine. My question, Mr. Speaker, is what is the GNWT's stand on improving public access to the review of Miramar's abandonment and reclamation plan at Con Mine? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of RWED, Mr. Bell.

Return To Question 20-15(2): Abandonment And Restoration Of Miramar Con Mine

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I should say that there are ongoing meetings. The working group continues to review the abandonment and restoration plan that was submitted by Miramar Con Mine, submitted on the basis of their existing federal water licence. We are a part of that working group. I think we have two seats at the table. There are folks from our environmental protection service at the table. They're looking at the obvious things that you'd suspect, they're looking at the demolition of service structure, historic tailings, contaminated soils, site monitoring, water management, and I believe they continue to meet at least once a month. The Member is right, that as regular Members we were concerned about what we perceived as lack of public process. There has always been the ability for the working group, under the terms of reference that were established, to call for any members of the public or interested citizens to participate in the process. That avenue has been there. It's my understanding now that the Water Board has scheduled a public meeting, I believe it's the end of April. They want to hear the concerns that the public may have. So I'm encouraged to see that, and I think that that will go a long way in assuring residents of the Northwest Territories that they will be able to have their say in how this A and R plan rolls out. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Mr. Braden.

Supplementary To Question 20-15(2): Abandonment And Restoration Of Miramar Con Mine

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm encouraged to hear that the board is taking some steps to open the process up. I guess I would hold any further comment until I get some more detail. A public meeting, if it is as the Minister has said, I think falls far short of what I would call adequate public access. I'd like to ask the Minister, for the representatives that we do have in this process -- and it is a closed door process, from my understanding of it -- is there any requirement for those representatives to report back to the Minister, and then consequently to the public? Do we have any access to those people's reports? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of RWED, Mr. Bell.

Further Return To Question 20-15(2): Abandonment And Restoration Of Miramar Con Mine

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. First I would say that I'm interested myself in more detail as to what the public meetings will comprise at the end of April, and I'll get that information and commit to provide that to all Members. I think it's important that we understand exactly what the process is. The Member is certainly aware that there was an application made by the city for an environmental assessment. It was made to the Impact Review Board, not the Water Board. That decision just came down in January from the Impact Review Board, and they indicated there was no mechanism for a full environmental assessment because they are operating under the terms of the existing licence. I will endeavour to determine how information is coming back to the department. I do know that at this point the department seems satisfied that work is progressing in the manner and in the order that it should. So I will determine what the reporting is like internally and get back to the Member on what additional detail I can provide. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER


Supplementary To Question 20-15(2): Abandonment And Restoration Of Miramar Con Mine

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I guess the issue here is that while the Minister may be satisfied that our people are satisfied that everything is being done, the public doesn't know. We don't have access to this kind of information. To my understanding, the only information that has been released is a rather sketchy plan that was put out last spring of what the company plans to do; there is really not a lot of detail attached to it. So the public needs access to be satisfied that the plan is indeed a good one. That's what we're looking for, reassurance. Will the Minister undertake some proactive steps to urge the board to engage in as open a process as possible? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, Mr. Bell.

Further Return To Question 20-15(2): Abandonment And Restoration Of Miramar Con Mine

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. To be sure, it is the board's process, we're not adverse to public involvement. In fact, I think we'd be happy to see as much involvement as is possible. I think the kinds of information the citizens need to and should be able to see will be made available at the public meeting. At least that is my hope through the public process in that regard, but I will find out the scope of the public meetings to happen at the end of April. I just now learned that they have been scheduled for April 28th and 29th. I will find out what kind of process will be undertaken at that time and what kinds of information will be made available to the public. The Member has hit on it and this is the board’s process and we will provide input in that regard and are sitting at the table, but this federal board will make decisions about what type of information they are going to release. I will find out what we have access to. Thank you.

Written Question 1-15(2): Human Resource Issues At North Slave Correctional Facility

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my written questions today are for the Minister of Justice who has left us, but I will put them on record anyway.


Have exit interviews been granted for employees leaving the Yellowknife Correctional Centre over the past 17 months? If so, what percentage does this represent?


How do the instances of extended leaves of absences at the Yellowknife Correctional Centre compare with other sections of the Department of Justice?


Can the Minister provide the raw data on extended leave for the Department of Justice? How does this compare to other government departments?

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Written Question 2-15(2): Smoking And GNWT Employees

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My written question is addressed to the Minister of Health and Social Services.

Would the Minister undertake a study on how many GNWT employees are users of tobacco products and, secondly, can he provide to the best of his knowledge, any costs related to GNWT employees who are diagnosed with respiratory problems or other medical conditions caused by smoking? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Tabled Document 5-15(2): Income Support Issues: Inuvik Social Assistance Appeal Committee, May 21, 2003

Tabled Document 6-15(2): Tax Exemption: A Tool For Economic Development For First Nations - Executive Summary

Tabled Document 7-15(2): Interactivity Transfers Exceeding $250,000

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As required by Section 32.1(2) of the Financial Administration Act, I wish to table the following document entitled List of Interactivity Transfers for the Period April 1, 2003, to January 19, 2004. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Item 12, tabling of documents. Item 13, notices of motion. Item 14, notices of motion for first reading of bills. Item 15, motions. Item 16, first reading of bills. Item 17, second reading of bills. Item 18, consideration in Committee of the Whole of bills and other matters. Item 19, report of Committee of the Whole. We don’t have Committee of the Whole today. Item 20, third reading of bills.

At this time, I would like to recognize the Pages in the House. They are from the William McDonald School, Grade 8. I would like to thank you for your participation and the help that you have provided us with here. Thank you.




Mr. Speaker, Premier Handley, Members of the 15th Legislative Assembly, as Commissioner, I would like to take this opportunity to personally salute the many young men and women who will compete next week for the right to represent their community and region and our territory at the Wood Buffalo Arctic Winter Games in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

As all Members are aware, the Arctic Winter Games provides a powerful and positive showcase of NWT talent, culture, skills and athletics. They would not be possible without the ongoing commitment and support of parents, coaches, staff and volunteers who work year round to ensure their success. I would like to express my appreciation and best wishes to them all.

Prior to proroguing this Second Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly, I would like to advise you that the Third Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly will convene on Tuesday, March 16, 2004, at 1:30 p.m.

Until that time, I wish you Godspeed and travelling mercies.

As Commissioner of the Northwest Territories, I hereby prorogue the Second Session of the 15th Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories. Mahsi.


The House prorogued at 3:15 p.m.