Debates of June 2, 2005 (day 7)
Member’s Statement On Consultation And Business Planning Process Of The GNWT
Mahsi, Madam Speaker. May I, too, add my thanks and my admiration and my congratulations to the community of Hay River for the fantastic job of hosting the track and field competitions.
It was a real joy to be there yesterday at the opening ceremonies.
Madam Speaker, earlier today the Premier spoke some remarks and one of them was in respect to our style of government. The Premier said that our style of government is routed in traditional systems of consensus, a foundation of trust, and the aboriginal values of mutual respect and understanding. I hope, Madam Speaker, that I, too, can share in the value of mutual respect and understanding.
Regrettably we learned yesterday in some of our deliberations the government does not always adhere to that, Madam Speaker, and I am harkening again to the issue of the decision, the hidden decision, to transfer the Territorial Treatment Centre from Yellowknife.
Madam Speaker, the point that I want to make is that in the budget of 2004-05, this Assembly made a decision, a commitment, a promise that it was going to spend an allocation of money on a certain project in this community. Now many things happen on many projects that are outside of the control of this government and they are carried through to completion. Madam Speaker, when that happens, we make that accommodation as we did yesterday in some of our work, but when something is within the control of government and it does not come back to this Assembly to ask for a change, to ask for a consultation in a process of how to manage, perhaps a new opportunity or a new situation, then that foundation of trust and respect is violated.
I want to advise the government that it is on notice that they cannot continue to ignore the promises and, indeed, the rules and the laws that we make when we pass bills. Thank you, Madam Speaker.