Debates of June 2, 2005 (day 7)


Written Question 5-15(4): Coordinating Initiatives To Strengthen The NWT

Mahsi, Madam Speaker. My written question is also for the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Premier Joe Handley. If this government recognizes and supports the inherent rights of aboriginal people in the development of their self-governments:

What is the GNWT intending to do to strengthen this support and recognize aboriginal governments as legitimate governments representing the aboriginal public?

With the development and negotiations toward self-government by aboriginals in the NWT, does this government accept and endorse aboriginal governments to acquire revenues flowing from their ongoing aboriginal interests in these lands?

If this government views their relationship with aboriginal governments as an opportunity to build sustainable communities through the sharing of responsibilities and resource revenues, what is the process in place to date and the process that this government intends to follow?