Debates of June 7, 2006 (day 7)

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Villeneuve. Mr. Miltenberger.

Further Return To Question 74-15(5): Health And Social Services Review In Deninu Kue

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, that consultation has been underway. They have been meeting with various groups, individuals and organizations in the community. The one group that they were having some difficulty getting it all together was the actual community leadership comprised of the chief and the mayor and the Metis president. But they have been working on this and we're going to finalize the report, but they were going over the recommendations as well as the content of all the interviews and work that was done. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Supplementary, Mr. Villeneuve.

Supplementary To Question 74-15(5): Health And Social Services Review In Deninu Kue

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The most important people you want to consult with in these communities seem to be the ones they haven't touched base with yet. I'm sure that the Minister has probably met with the Yellowknife Health Authority and gone over some of the recommendations of the review. Maybe just for the public record and for my constituents' peace of mind, what were the views of the Yellowknife Health Authority so far as the overall recommendations that the review recommended? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Villeneuve. Mr. Miltenberger.

Further Return To Question 74-15(5): Health And Social Services Review In Deninu Kue

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I haven't seen the final draft. I know that the work's been done, as I've outlined. But I haven't seen the final draft and I am waiting for that to come across my desk. There has been extensive efforts made to connect up with the leadership and I do believe that if they didn't do it as a group, they've managed to meet with them individually. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Your final supplementary, Mr. Villeneuve.

Supplementary To Question 74-15(5): Health And Social Services Review In Deninu Kue

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister is in the same boat as I am. It's a review that was done four months ago; he hasn't seen it and neither have I. The leaders haven't been consulted; it hasn't been shared with the community yet. Can I just get some kind of a commitment, a statement from the Minister from his department to say that, yes, we are going to move forward on this and we are actually going to go in the community sometime hopefully soon and bring in a public document in the community and hear everybody's concerns on what some of those recommendations could be? Could we get some kind of a timeline when that's going to be completed? It's already four months overdue, Mr. Speaker. You know, how long does it take to travel to Res? It's only half an hour away, you know, by plane. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Villeneuve. Mr. Miltenberger.

Further Return To Question 74-15(5): Health And Social Services Review In Deninu Kue

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there has been extensive community consultation and I indicated to the deputy minister and the folks involved to keep contacting the community leadership and if we can't get hold of them, track all the efforts we've made to in fact get hold of them. So I will check with the department, but I will commit to the Member that I will have a copy of that report for him and for myself so we can go over it together before the end of this week. Thank you.

Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in my Member's statement I said I was going to ask about the transportation contract for the construction of winter roads, but in fact the Minister had already given us a pretty good commitment in a meeting this morning so I'm not pursuing that. So I'm going to go to Mr. Krutko instead, the Minister responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation.

Mr. Speaker, there has been a project in the works in Hay River for many months related to seniors' housing. It has been called the Whispering Willows Seniors Complex, and as of late we haven't heard much of a formal or public update as to what is the status of that project. So I'll ask Mr. Krutko if he could please let us know what is happening with Whispering Willows. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Honourable Minister responsible for Housing Corporation, Mr. Krutko.

Return To Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we have been in discussions with the Hay River Seniors' Society and also with CMHC who is also providing funding to this program. We are in the process of putting out a request for proposals for construction of units in Hay River, working in conjunction with the Seniors' Society, CMHC and ourselves. So we're presently in the process of preparing a request for proposal on that project.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I have two questions, then, as a result of that. No, I have three questions actually. How many units is this complex going to consist of, are they for seniors, and is the NWT Housing Corporation supplying the land on which these units are going to be built from this RFP? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Three questions there. The Minister can answer one or all three. Mr. Krutko.

Further Return To Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Mr. Speaker, I'll answer the last one first and go forward. The land that this project is sitting on is land that is owned by the Housing Corporation. We are contributing to this project. In regards to the numbers of units, again we are working along with the Seniors' Society in which they are also going to be putting money into this project, and also working with the community of Hay River to try to get some money through the capacity funding. But also through CMHC again, they are also involved. So at this time, we are working in conjunction with the three agencies to be able to deliver this program. But also to have a fair and open process, we are going to be putting out the request for proposals and sit down with the Seniors' Society in Hay River, along with CMHC and myself, to ensure that we are being fair and open and transparent and also meet the goals of the seniors for Hay River. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. So the Minister didn't tell me how many units were going to be built, he didn't tell me who the units are going to be for, so I'd like to ask the Minister again -- I hope this doesn't count as a question -- who are the units being built for and isn't the NWT Housing Corporation, in fact, going to buy these units? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. Krutko.

Further Return To Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Mr. Speaker, these units are for seniors in Hay River who basically have low incomes. This is going to be similar to public housing that we provide the seniors at the present time. I know there were concerns in regard to condos and whatnot that were in the mix. That is no longer part of this scenario, so we are only focussing on low income seniors to provide social housing for seniors in Hay River. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Your final supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to know if the Minister, at some point, could provide us with some kind of documentation that shows this project in a capital plan anywhere. The other thing, Mr. Speaker, if the Housing Corporation's going to own them, they're low income units for seniors, have they done a market study to identify if there is a demand for them or not? Because I'll tell you something, Mr. Speaker, everyone knows, as my colleague referred to today, that most of the people who moved into the duplexes, whether they were low income or not low income or whatever they were, sold their homes to move in there. So that would kind of speak to you about the demand. I hope that the Minister plans to do some kind of a market survey or something to determine if there's a demand for these units for social housing for seniors.

The other question, and my final question, Mr. Speaker, is, is the Town of Hay River going to allow the Housing Corporation to build social housing on the lot that they have on the riverbank in Hay River downtown? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mrs. Groenewegen. Mr. Krutko.

Further Return To Question 75-15(5): Seniors’ Housing Project In Hay River

Mr. Speaker, everyone knows that this land has been designated for seniors' housing in Hay River for years. It's nothing new to the Town of Hay River, and we have no plans of changing that at this time. Also in regards to the clients that we are looking at, we have done needs surveys, we have a lot of facilities we have in Hay River we're going to have to replace at some point, and we're looking at possibly moving those residents into this unit while we have to either replace the existing seniors' units in Hay River and move those residents into this new facility, because we do have to replace that facility at some point. Thank you.

Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My questions this afternoon are for Mr. Roland as the Minister for Public Works and Services and the department that has historically had, I understand, a kind of a watchdog capacity for regulatory matters, and that would include, I'm assuming, Mr. Speaker, the Canadian Radio/Television Telecommunications Commission. Mr. Speaker, the GNWT has kept an eye on these kinds of regulatory matters. There are hearings scheduled for Whitehorse next month on a major new regulatory framework for NorthwesTel, the major service provider of telecommunication services across the Canadian North. Mr. Speaker, is the GNWT going to intervene and what positions are we taking to the CRTC on behalf of NWT consumers, Mr. Speaker?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Braden. The honourable Minister responsible for Public Works and Services, Mr. Roland.

Return To Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yes, Public Works and Services is involved in monitoring CRTC hearings throughout Canada to see if in fact there will be impacts on service that's provided in the Northwest Territories, and we will be presenting our case in Whitehorse regarding a number of issues in the Northwest Territories and how our service provider here in the Northwest Territories operates. I'm not in a position to get right into a lot of the detail at this stage. Number one is we'd like to put our position on the table without having other groups who are concerned about the operating environment. For example, I'll give a case; the issue of the high cost service areas that we were involved with in the past and were successful in having NorthwesTel designated to operate in those areas, and had some funds from southern operators move to the North. We know southern operators would prefer not to do that and are preparing their submissions and arguments, and we are again preparing our side of the equation for continued service in the Northwest Territories. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Supplementary, Mr. Braden.

Supplementary To Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

Mr. Speaker, does that mean we are going to defend NorthwesTel's, in effect, monopoly here for at least some of the communities, and we're going to continue asking the CRTC to protect that monopoly through regulatory affairs, Mr. Speaker?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Roland.

Further Return To Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, that fact is that NorthwesTel is the only largest service provider in the Northwest Territories for our phone systems, aside from cell phones and so on. We are of the opinion that the Northwest Territories is a high cost service area, and that needs to be recognized and continue to be recognized. If it happens to be NorthwesTel operating here, they'll be the company that would benefit. If we have other companies who want to get involved in the North, we would look at that as well. Our position is that the Northwest Territories is a high cost area and the rates across the country need to take that into consideration, much like what's already done and the results of that.

There are a number of other issues that we will be looking at as well. But as I stated earlier, we've prepared our presentation and we'll be delivering that in Whitehorse. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Supplementary, Mr. Braden.

Supplementary To Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

I should try not to read between the lines here because I just might make a mistake. I respect the Minister's situation here where he can't put too many of the cards on the table right now. But I guess the point that I want to make, Mr. Chairman, is that we've seen so many innovations and so many new ways of doing business crop up in the last few years since the last regulatory framework was set up, that I believe we should really be more open and in fact more aggressive in seeing what other options there are out there. So, Mr. Speaker, I'd like to know what the government can do to convince the CRTC to make this jurisdiction more competition friendly, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Roland.

Further Return To Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I guess one of the areas that we are involved with and would continue to support would help any service provider in the Northwest Territories, is the subsidies that were granted by the CRTC for northern operators and long distance calls and operating those facilities. At this time, we have one major provider in the Northwest Territories for hard line services. If there are other companies interested in that, those types of arrangements would only help their operating structures. So the positions we would put forward, yes, in this case would benefit one company as they are the main service provider. If other companies were to get involved, we'd want to ensure that the environment for that was open enough to create that type of competition. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Final supplementary, Mr. Braden.

Supplementary To Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

Mr. Speaker, has the GNWT consulted with any of the major user groups in the NWT, like the business or the mining industry communities, other levels of government and consumers, to really verify that its positions are going to be the ones that accurately reflect what we want to have put before the CRTC? What is the level of consultation that we have undertaken, Mr. Speaker?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Roland.

Further Return To Question 76-15(5): Telecommunications Services In The North

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I don't have the detail as to who we actually were in discussions with. I know we monitored the situation and other CRTC hearings for those types of decisions that would have impact on the service providers in the Northwest Territories. I can get that information for the Member and provide it later. Thank you.

Question 77-15(5): Tlicho Intergovernmental Services Agreement

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. (Translation) Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask a question regarding elders. We won’t be here if it wasn’t for our elders. They are the ones who support what we are doing as a government. They really supported us when we were creating our government. These are some of the words of support that they gave us. When the elders give us advice, this is what’s in the Tlicho Agreement. (Translation ends)

This is the importance of the agreement signed by the GNWT in this day and age with various parties in the North. One particular such as Tlicho Intergovernmental Services Agreement that we have with the Tlicho Community Services Agency. The GNWT must uphold any employment and also respect what’s in the agreement before us, Mr. Speaker. Key issues and important issues need attention. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask the Minister responsible for FMBS, Mr. Roland, what is the GNWT’s position on the special status of the Tlicho Community Services Agency, specifically the clause I identified earlier, article 3.2(a) and 4.5 of the Tlicho Intergovernmental Services Agreement? Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. The Minister responsible for FMBS, Mr. Roland.

Return To Question 77-15(5): Tlicho Intergovernmental Services Agreement

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the agreements that we have signed as a government to honour our commitments is something we take seriously. We will continue to work with the Tlicho Government and the agency to provide the services that are necessary through that agreement. There are a number of issues, of course, in our operating environment that have to be taken into consideration by all parties. I understand where the Member is coming from with the work with the elders, respecting the arrangements that were made in the past with them, and I have committed that we will try to work with the agency and Tlicho Government as to how we can try to resolve the issue of elders and payments. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Supplementary, Mr. Lafferty.

Supplementary To Question 77-15(5): Tlicho Intergovernmental Services Agreement

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, last week the Minister stated that the Tlicho Community Services Agency gave advance notice of hiring elders when it’s required will make it easier within the system. At the same time, Mr. Speaker, on a daily basis we are faced with huge challenges of last minute changes, not only in my communities but in other small, isolated communities. We must respect what the elders' decisions are. Mr. Speaker, due to these unforeseen circumstances, can the Minister commit to amending the policy in the FMBS system that will respect and reflect the Tlicho Community Services Agency Intergovernmental Services Agreement and pay the elders upon their completion of valuable services? Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Lafferty. Mr. Roland.

Further Return To Question 77-15(5): Tlicho Intergovernmental Services Agreement

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Member has raised a significant point. In operations, the Tlicho Government, as he stated, has difficulty from time to time dealing with the daily changing plans of individuals and our elders in trying to accommodate those.

On a larger scale, the Government of the Northwest Territories and our system has even greater difficulty making those small changes. That is why we need to try to arrange a plan that would work for both parties and is a little more difficult than initially stated. One of the other areas we could look at is possibly our contract arrangement with the Tlicho Government and set up a billing system and accountabilities around an agreement of that nature. So there is another option that we can look at. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.