Debates of June 7, 2006 (day 7)


Member’s Statement On Transfer Of MACA Services And Responsibilities To Communities

Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. (English not provided)

Transferring, updating, downloading, dumping. Many verbs can be used to describe the fact that our government wants to save money and cut costs. This old practice of offloading is being used today by MACA in our regions. Offloading is when a government transfers responsibility for services to its regions and communities. In theory, Mr. Speaker, these transfers would be beneficial and welcome in all small and remote communities such as the ones I represent in Nahendeh. This transfer of services and responsibilities will not work if it is less, yes, funded less than what our government ran it for.

Effective April 1st of this year, MACA introduced the development of the O and M funding to its communities. I think the transfer of responsibilities is long overdue. I am concerned, though, that the resources are not sufficient. This ministry has funded this initiative through a complex three-year running average. We are very aware of the growing cost of fuel and energy over the last six months. This three-year average does not address this critical gap in its formula. Communities tell me that they are already in a deficit position with this program as they have to address the shortfall with their own funding. Community governments are already stretched too thin to cope with these energy cost concerns.

I would like to inform the Minister of MACA and this government that this must be addressed immediately. The formula must reflect the real needs of these communities. I know that this government is interested in genuine community management and will provide the resources to support that. I’ll have questions for the Minister at the appropriate time, Mr. Speaker. Mahsi cho.
