Debates of June 8, 2006 (day 8)


Member’s Statement On Extending Best Wishes For A Safe And Enjoyable Summer To Constituents Of The Mackenzie Delta Area

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I, too, would like to take this opportunity to recognize that summer is on its way. It’s a time for us to enjoy the season, but, more importantly, enjoy our friends, our family and our children who will be out of school. More importantly, for the people that are going to be out in their bush camps and their fish camps along the river and also being able to enjoy the festive season that we do have in the summer, such as our music festivals, such as the Pokiak Festival, Midway Lake, Canoe Days and also we have the Inuvik Arts Show that goes on every July.

With that, Mr. Speaker, recognition of the National Aboriginal Day, which is on the 21st, again, recognize our cultural importance that aboriginal play in the history of the Northwest Territories, but, more importantly, the significant legacy that is left by the culture that we have in the Northwest Territories.

Mr. Speaker, with that, I’d like to also encourage the people to come to the Mackenzie Delta for a holiday, enjoy the beautiful scenery, enjoy the many people, such as the ones attending the Gwich’in gathering, which will include people from Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories in Inuvik, and also attend the Gwich’in assembly, which will take place in Aklavik this year.

Mr. Speaker, I would like, at this time, to wish everybody a safe and enjoyable summer. More importantly, I look forward to seeing all of my constituency in the Mackenzie Delta this summer by attending these different events. So with that, have a safe summer. Mahsi cho.
