Debates of March 10, 2005 (day 53)


Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yesterday when I asked the Minister responsible for the FMBS if he would consider striking the Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, he advised me that he was not willing to do this because, in his opinion, he did not want to interrupt the healthy and positive process that is currently underway and that he had an agreement with his colleagues at FMBS. Is the Minister suggesting that a plan put together by a few people in FMBS, who we still don’t know who they are, that has been approved by FMBS, should not be the subject of scrutiny by what I feel would be an unbiased objective and independent panel of qualified individuals? Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Villeneuve. The honourable Minister responsible for the Financial Management Board, Mr. Roland.

Return To Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, scrutiny of what Members of FMB decide should not happen on this floor, as Members have been questioning us to the integrity of what has been happening. As I informed the Member and other Members on this issue, that once we have got a plan together to move forward, we would be bringing it to committee. In fact, a document will be going to committee in the very near future about where things are going right now and what our plans are for trying to improve our system. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Supplementary, Mr. Villeneuve.

Supplementary To Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I look forward to the plan when it does come to committee. Just on the affirmative action policy, Mr. Speaker, the honourable Minister Roland did mention that the MAP program and the applicants that the MAP program does accept undergo a rigorous assessment process. Mr. Speaker, I understand part of the process is a series of tests. Will the Minister confirm that these tests that are there for the northern applicants were actually designed by a highly-paid consultant from the South who doesn’t even live in the North, Mr. Speaker? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Villeneuve. Mr. Roland.

Further Return To Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I will go back and see where the assessment was put together; if it was, in fact, from a consultant whether northern or southern. I think it is important to remember, whether you are north or south, your ability to get the job should be one of the most important measurements taken. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Supplementary, Mr. Villeneuve.

Supplementary To Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I understand that the assessment process also involves gathering of information from up to 15 peers. These 15 peers are allowed to provide some comments anonymously on a person’s application. To me, Mr. Speaker, this sounds like a very subjective process with no accountability. We have talked about transparency in the human resources department. Can the Minister explain that this is obviously a non-transparent process and what will he do to address the process of screening applicants to make it more transparent? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Villeneuve. Mr. Roland.

Further Return To Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, once again, the area of the MAP program is being looked at to see how we can open it up and ensure that northern residents are having a fair opportunity to advance within the government. As we go through this first issue we have to deal with around human resources, we will be able then to take on these other areas with more horsepower, I guess you can say, to begin to look at this and hopefully bring solutions to Members of this House and to our workforce. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Final supplementary, Mr. Villeneuve.

Supplementary To Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. I just want to ask the final supplementary of Minister Roland that the information that was gathered from the 140 people that were interviewed and applied for the MAP program, if that information is available to Members. If not, why not? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Villeneuve. Mr. Roland.

Further Return To Question 587-15(3): Management Assignment Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on many occasions when we are looking at gathering information, whether it is about a program or survey affecting employees, we tend to try and have one section of that being open for anybody to make comment. Some people are very concerned that they may say something that would be brought back to bear on them as they are in the workforce. So there are some sections of our internal surveys that employees are told right off at the start that there is a confidentiality portion. We will have to look at that as we go through this. So with the information of what the Member is raising here, I will take that information, go back and see, in fact, what the process is and what happens with that information. Thank you.