Debates of March 2, 2006 (day 40)


Question 508-15(4): Financial Support For Adult Basic Education Students

Mr. Speaker, I have a question for Mr. Dent as the Minister for Education, Culture and Employment. It’s a bit of a follow-up, Mr. Speaker, from an item that we discussed here in this Assembly last fall regarding the status of people who enter the adult basic education course, but who, in a lot of cases, Mr. Speaker, find themselves without the supports, without the cash flow to be able to continue in ABE and thus seem to end up back in that cycle of poverty and not being able to get ahead. When we discussed this in the fall, the Minister committed to looking at what could be done and I wanted to see if since then the department has looked into what we can do, Mr. Speaker, to improve supports for adult basic education students in the NWT.

Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Dent.

Return To Question 508-15(4): Financial Support For Adult Basic Education Students

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Member and I had some discussion about this last fall and I would agree with the Member that there is a gap in our policies right now wherein living allowances are not provided for people who are looking at adult basic education, adults who may want to upgrade. I believe my commitment at the time was through the next business planning cycle that I would attempt to see if we could not approve the supports. Mr. Speaker, that business planning cycle starts for the government in June and I would hope that by that time I would be able to advance this proposal and see if we have the money in order to move forward with some better supports. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Supplementary, Mr. Braden.

Supplementary To Question 508-15(4): Financial Support For Adult Basic Education Students

Mr. Speaker, we seem to have a couple of options here. A number of the clients who try to get into this kind of program are on income support and there is really no provision for them to cover the extra expenses that they might incur. Meanwhile, we obviously do not allow ABE instruction on the same basis for funding as regular student financial assistance. Has the department been able to look at whether or not we can change our minds about SFA and help enrol these people on that same basis and help them get further ahead, Mr. Speaker?

Thank you, Mr. Braden. Minister Dent.

Further Return To Question 508-15(4): Financial Support For Adult Basic Education Students

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In order to do that, it would take legislative change because the SFA Act stipulates that support is only provided to post-secondary students through that program. Just in terms of the overall changes to our regulations of policies and the legislation, I think that would be too time consuming. I’m trying to move forward with something that would respond more quickly to what I see as an important need that we should address.

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Supplementary, Mr. Braden.

Supplementary To Question 508-15(4): Financial Support For Adult Basic Education Students

Mr. Speaker, I’d certainly support something that’s more timely. If there’s a way of enabling our system to be more responsive, we invest already quite heavily in enabling organizations like the Native Women’s Association to deliver ABE, but it seems now with our society, our economy working the way it is, we’ve got to do some more to enable the students to actually participate in this. So would the Minister be able to bring something forward, perhaps as early as this spring, that would enable even a pilot project to get underway and see if we can find a better way to do this, Mr. Speaker?


Thank you, Mr. Braden. Mr. Dent.

Further Return To Question 508-15(4): Financial Support For Adult Basic Education Students

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I don’t have the funds identified in the budget that we’ve just passed in order to do a special project like that, but I’m certainly prepared to advance this. I agree with the Member that it’s an area that needs to be dealt with and I am looking to try and deal with it through the business planning process. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.