Debates of May 15, 2007 (day 7)


Member’s Statement On Recognition Of Positive Lifestyle Role Models

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I, too, would like to join in regard to the discussion today about alcohol. However, Mr. Speaker, today I would like to recognize role models in communities who have shown leadership and to promote alcohol-free lifestyles.

Mr. Speaker, alcohol and abuse that stems from alcohol always seems to overshadow the work of community leaders and front-line workers such as alcohol and drug counsellors do in both large and small communities. Front-line workers and community leaders are role models in communities because they are trying to promote and educate our young people in the communities of the ill effects of alcohol.

Mr. Speaker, growing up in a small community and eventually having to leave home to complete high school, I was fortunate enough to have two loving and caring people to direct me to the right path. I am speaking of my late father and mother. I remember my dad travelling in the dark of winter by dog team to tend to his daily trap line and would be gone for at least two weeks at a time. On his return home from the trap line, my mother would occasionally make what we called home brew because, Mr. Speaker, during those days alcohol wasn’t a commodity like it is today.

Although my parents drank occasionally, they did not turn violent like in today’s society. They were responsible drinkers, but, more importantly, they were caring parents who raised 16 children. Parents in those days cared for their children by showing them the values to respect their elders and all the members of the community. Mr. Speaker, by having such caring parents in those days, my brothers and sisters today are able to become educated and eventually respect the people who live and work in today’s society. My parents were my role models as I was growing up. I appreciate all they did for me.

Mr. Speaker, we are seeing community leaders and alcohol and drug counsellors and they have shown leadership by being alcohol free but, more importantly, leading by example and communicating to young people that we can live life by being alcohol free in today’s society.

In closing, I would like to thank those parents who have shown leadership, community leaders and front-line workers across the Northwest Territories promoting alcohol-free lifestyle, and they respect the communities and show them they are the real role models in today’s society. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
