Debates of May 27, 2004 (day 14)

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mr. Premier.

Further Return To Question 149-15(3): Disciplinary Action For The Conduct Of Minister Zoe

Mr. Speaker, this is the first incident where I had an official or real complaint. Other than that, I have heard of incidents that have happened about various people, including Mr. Zoe. So this is one where I have met with him. I have followed up in my responsibility to let the Members know. I have followed up with the Legion who had issued the complaint to me. I have discussed this with Members and I have talked to Mr. Zoe. I am doing another letter to Cabinet to remind them that this is not tolerable. Mr. Zoe has indicated to me that he is going to take steps to make sure that this does not happen again. I take him at his word for it. Mr. Speaker, I believe I have done what is within reason in dealing with this incident. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 149-15(3): Disciplinary Action For The Conduct Of Minister Zoe

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the Premier wanted the job as Premier. He wanted to be the leader and now it’s time to show some leadership. What is the purpose of delaying action with respect to this conduct that has been displayed by Mr. Zoe? What is the delay? Are you worried about hurting his feelings? Are you worried about embarrassing him? Are you worried that no one else can do the job? What is the purpose of a delay? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mr. Handley.

Further Return To Question 149-15(3): Disciplinary Action For The Conduct Of Minister Zoe

Mr. Speaker, I don’t think there is any delay in anything. I acted very quickly when I became aware of this incident. I have discussed this with Members. Mr. Zoe has discussed it with Members. I have taken action that I believe is appropriate. Some Members may not agree with me, but I believe what I have done, given the circumstances as I know them, is reasonable. I believe there is nothing being delayed here, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Final supplementary, Mrs. Groenewegen.

Supplementary To Question 149-15(3): Disciplinary Action For The Conduct Of Minister Zoe

Mr. Speaker, I will ask a question of the Premier. Is the Premier willing to take responsibility for the conduct of his Cabinet Ministers and remove Mr. Zoe’s portfolios from him in response to this incident which took place, which is very well known in the public? Will the Premier take action?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Mr. Handley.

Further Return To Question 149-15(3): Disciplinary Action For The Conduct Of Minister Zoe

Mr. Speaker, I have taken action that I believe is appropriate in this case. I will absolutely, certainly take action as I have said if there is ever any other incident that is like this. I will absolutely take action on it immediately. I can assure the House that I intend to do that, absolutely. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Question 150-15(3): Community Freezers In Paulatuk And Holman

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In my Member’s statement yesterday, I requested community freezers for Paulatuk and Holman for the 2004-05 season. I would like to take another shot at requesting this and will continue to, so we can resolve the problem. Mr. Speaker, given the recent response of the Minister of RWED towards the contract offered to the City of Yellowknife for $15,000 and the city turning down the offer, can Minister Brendan Bell take that $15,000 and put it towards the community freezers in Holman and Paulatuk? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of RWED, Mr. Bell.

Return To Question 150-15(3): Community Freezers In Paulatuk And Holman

Mr. Speaker, that’s an interesting question and I would say and restate that I am certainly wiling to come to the Member’s riding and sit down and better understand the needs of the community as it relates to this piece of infrastructure. We can talk about what it actually costs to run. I would like to see it. Obviously we have concerns about the health risk. We have talked in past about liability. Internally in the department we have had discussions about that. That is becoming more and more of a concern for public governments. I know our Department of Finance risk management division have advised us on several cases. I can’t speak specifically to this one, but in other cases there are liabilities that potentially would prohibit us from feeling comfortable with an arrangement of this nature. The earlier point about a contract, stating that that allowed us to be outside of any obligation or liability, there are concerns about any party's ability to contract out of obligations and liabilities. So there were a number of concerns around this. The short answer is I think it would be more appropriate if I sat down with the community and we met and discussed options. As I have said, the preferred option is not to keep this piece of equipment running, and we have made offers to all members of a community who need them of chest freezers at no charge, I would add, Mr. Speaker.

Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Now that the dust has settled in Tulita with health concerns with regard to elders, I have questions for the Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs, the Honourable Henry Zoe, with the chipsealing program scheduled for the communities. In 2007-08, the community is going to see some action in terms of the dust. Can I get a commitment from the Minister to work with the hamlet council to find an interim solution to the dust problems in Tulita while the community waits for the chipsealing program? Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of MACA, Mr. Zoe.

Return To Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the issue of dust control at the community level, the Member for Sahtu raised with me earlier this week. I have taken it to my department to see how we can assist the particular community that he made reference to, particularly Tulita. The department, through our formula financing, is providing funding to undertake this type of dust control at the community level. With regard to chipsealing, we do have a five-year plan that we jointly developed with the Department of Transportation. Tulita is scheduled for 2006-07. As the Member knows, we try to do chipsealing in each region, so each region has at least one chipsealing program in that particular year.

I informed the Member earlier that also within our chipsealing program we are limited in our funding pertaining to that program. We have only $1 million allotted. Because of the previously planned activities within the next five years, chipsealing could not be upgraded or brought forward because of the allocation that we have for this particular year. For the following year, Mr. Speaker, I will seek additional funding to see if we can do more chipsealing in the communities, so we can alleviate the dust. That was the main purpose that the Special Joint Committee for Non-Tax-Based Community Affairs made when they made their report during the 14th Assembly. In terms of the additional funding that the Member made reference to, we do provide funding. It’s up to the community government to determine the priority of their community. If they wish to use some of their funding towards dust control for chloride -- I think that’s what they use on the roads -- the onus is on them to determine that. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

I would just like to remind the Ministers if you can answer the questions in a short time. There are six people on the list who would still like to ask questions, so please keep your response short. Supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.

Supplementary To Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. In the last federal budget, the Minister of Finance, Ralph Goodale, announced funding for the Community Infrastructure Funding Program. What this means is $15 million is allocated to the NWT that was available over 10 years is now available over five years. Can the Minister confirm the implementation of scheduling of the chipsealing program?

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of MACA, Mr. Zoe.

Further Return To Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Mr. Speaker, on that particular infrastructure funding the Member made statements on, it pertains to various municipal infrastructure, and I will take it under advisement and get back to the Member in terms of whether the dust component falls under this particular program.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.

Supplementary To Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Mr. Speaker, I thank the Minister. The bottom line is at the end of the day when the dust settles, they want to know what can happen this year in terms of the dust. It’s very high. So I guess I am seeking some commitment from the Minister and his department to come into the community and talk to council and say we have some interim solutions, let’s work it out. Can the Minister give that commitment to me today? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of MACA, Mr. Zoe.

Further Return To Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I can assure the Member that I can have my regional staff from Municipal and Community Affairs visit with the municipal councils to see what is the best alternative to curb the dust control in Tulita. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Final supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.

Supplementary To Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in light of the acceleration of funding from the federal government, I want to ask the Minister if he would inform the people of the Sahtu when they can see the first phase of the chipsealing program and we can get some commitment for the people to look forward to in the Sahtu. Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of MACA, Mr. Zoe.

Further Return To Question 151-15(3): Health Concerns Of Dust In Sahtu Communities

Mr. Speaker, I have already provided all Members of the assembly the five-year capital activity plan that we outlined and developed with the Department of Transportation. All Members have that in their briefing book that I provided earlier, but I can assure the Member that for 2005-06, if we do have additional funding, I will try to convince my colleagues to see if we can enhance that particular program.

Question 152-15(3): Treatment Of Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. My question today is for the Minister of Health and Social Services with regard to some recent meetings we’ve had over the last week concerning persons with developmental disabilities from the NWT who were sent to an Alberta institution to receive care and treatment for their disabilities. I do realize they were being sent to an Alberta institution, but the NWT has to abide by some policies and directives as set out by the Alberta government to legislate these institutions so they are run appropriately in the policy framework. I know that this government does spend well over $1 million a year over the 10 years to send these patients south to these Alberta institutions. We have northern concerns which are not included in the Alberta legislation to deal with aboriginal clients. I just wanted to ask the Minister if he will commit to a comprehensive review of the feasibility and practicality of construction an institution in the NWT for the NWT, so we can meet the needs of these persons with development disabilities who are from the North in the North.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Miltenberger.

Return To Question 152-15(3): Treatment Of Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as a department, as a health and social services system, we are looking at how we do business on a constant basis. This issue with Alberta clients in Edmonton has brought a particular component of that system into close scrutiny. As I indicated to the Member this morning and in our meetings, we are prepared to look at the repatriation in the short term of those who are able, and in the longer term of those who have higher needs. We will also be looking at how we, as a system, can provide the service in the North, keep the dollars in the North, and address the issue of the northern and culture aspects of the supports. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Mr. Villeneuve.

Supplementary To Question 152-15(3): Treatment Of Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I just want to state that the government is basing its decision on a cost basis and it is costing us quite a bit of money to send less than 10 patients to a southern institution, which I think the North could probably benefit from. I just want to ask the Minister if while these residents with disabilities are going to be relocated, will the Minister assure the families and the parents of these members, that they will be receiving daily if not weekly monitoring reports of the new institution and the redress of the patient care in Alberta due to the relocation and the setting up of the patient care? Mahsi.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Miltenberger.

Further Return To Question 152-15(3): Treatment Of Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as I indicated as well this morning, we commit to keeping the concerned parties in this situation fully apprised of the events as they unfold. Once the transitions are made, we will continue to monitor very closely and continue to provide that same information. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Mr. Villeneuve.

Supplementary To Question 152-15(3): Treatment Of Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I just want to ask the Minister if he would give us clarification on any reviews or any studies that have taken place to address the issue of methodologies in which rehabilitation and repatriation and such or whatever Health and Social Services has to do to deal with persons with developmental disabilities, and if there are any reviews insofar as why they are being sent to Alberta to receive a non-aboriginal rehabilitation program when we are dealing with aboriginal persons? Is there any review on that? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

I heard two supplementaries. Mr. Minister.

Further Return To Question 152-15(3): Treatment Of Persons With Developmental Disabilities

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we look at the needs of the clients. The clients who are sent to southern facilities, it’s done because they have a lot of needs, in many cases needs that are not able to be met in the Northwest Territories or at the facilities we have, we have no more room. So, Mr. Speaker, we have committed to look at the particular situation of clients who are down there, and the possibility of repatriation both for the long term and short term. We will be very cognizant of the issue of the cultural and northern component. Thank you.

Question 153-15(3): Mould In Housing Units In The Communities Of Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is for the Minister responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation with respect to my Member’s statement. I spoke about mould. It really poses a serious health problem and given that, the problem seems to be increasing with time. I just wonder if the government or the department has an existing policy in place to address this growing problem. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister responsible for the Housing Corporation, Mr. McLeod.

Return To Question 153-15(3): Mould In Housing Units In The Communities Of Nahendeh

Mr. Speaker, I am trying to recall if I ran across a mould policy…


I don’t believe we have a policy specifically dealing with mould. We do, however, deal with deficiencies in our units. There is a problem and we recognize that there is a problem in the Nahendeh riding. At this point we believe it's in Fort Liard. There are a number of units there that are causing concern, and we totally agree that there are health issues surrounding the problem with the mould in the units. We are looking at them and we have reviewed the situation in all the different units that are there. We are compiling a report and we will be developing a plan and a way to deal with this whole issue of mould.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Mr. Menicoche.

Supplementary To Question 153-15(3): Mould In Housing Units In The Communities Of Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Does the Minister responsible for housing have any specific contingency plans in place to get rid of the problem as it exists now and as it occurs? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister responsible for the Housing Corporation, Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 153-15(3): Mould In Housing Units In The Communities Of Nahendeh

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, the mould problem in Fort Liard is an issue that is isolated to a number of houses that are managed through a co-management agreement with the community and a non-profit society there. These units were built in 1991 and they were transferred over to the NWT Housing Corporation in 1997, so the houses have been under our management, along with the community, for roughly seven years. The issue of construction and the issue of upkeep is something we're looking at. We are preparing a work plan. We are providing some of the costs and we're looking at what some of the causes may be with this issue, and we're also looking at putting together a time frame and different recourse we have to eliminate this problem and to identify the cause so that we won't see this return. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.