Debates of May 28, 2004 (day 15)


Member’s Statement On Spring Hunt Tradition In The Sahtu Region

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This morning I would like to talk about the importance of the traditional spring hunts we have in the Sahtu as well as other regions in the Northwest Territories. This time of the year, Mr. Speaker, when the days get long, many people across the North are preparing for a spring hunt out in the bush. The signs of the spring unfold before our eyes, especially hearing the geese and the ducks. It brings a lot of joy in people’s hearts. For a thousand years, people have enjoyed this tradition and exercise our right to live off the land. Families come together. They work together and, most importantly, they learn to live together. In the bush, each one of us has a very important role to contribute towards survival and the understanding of our culture. The spring hunt is an important time for harvesting from the land, to value our time with family and to appreciate our culture. For thousands of years, people in the Sahtu have participated in the spring hunt. The substance relationship to the land, the animals, defines the spiritual, emotional and physical identity of the people of the Sahtu. The spring hunt is a very special time of the year for my people. I wish all those on the land who go hunting and fishing a safe journey home and ask that they keep this important part of our tradition within our communities. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
