Debates of May 30, 2005 (day 4)


Thank you, Mr. Miltenberger. Final supplementary, Mr. Hawkins.

Supplementary To Question 44-15(4): Dementia Centre In Yellowknife

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, this government decided a couple of months ago we should throw $1.2 million in the pot to study some of the effects of a pipeline just like that. So I mean we’ve been talking about this project for a couple of years as the Minister admitted. When are we going to get off the pot and go forward and make a decision? We could make this decision today. We could take it to Cabinet and have it done before this Assembly, and if we needed to sit here a couple extra days, we could. I think there’s a willingness out there. This organization is willing to carry this mortgage, they want to see community development by community organizations, which I have to emphasize is the responsibility of government, but they are going to take control of this and they are going to address the need. So will I get a commitment from this Minister that we will expedite this process because they are waiting for this planning money to move forward? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Hawkins. Mr. Miltenberger.

Further Return To Question 44-15(4): Dementia Centre In Yellowknife

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, I’ll let the Member expedite, we’ll move in…(inaudible)…and we’ll try to expedite the process.


I’m not sure what pot he’s talking about, but the pot I have has some resources in it, both of which are fully subscribed to. We’ve committed to this process. We’ve agreed with YACCS on a way to proceed and we’re going to do just that. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, my questions today are for the Premier. Given the proposal to move the Territorial Treatment Centre out of Yellowknife to Hay River, it’s important to a great number of citizens here in the city of Yellowknife. Clients, employees, specialized service folks, are interested to know how a decision like this is arrived at. I would like to ask the Premier what exactly is the government policy on decentralization? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Premier, Mr. Handley.

Return To Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. The government has a policy on government organization. That policy does outline how major organizational changes are made. In the case of moving a facility like TTC from Yellowknife, that would fit into the category of major organizational change. That’s a decision that’s made by Cabinet. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Premier Handley. Supplementary, Mr. Ramsay.

Supplementary To Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. The Premier and some of his Cabinet colleagues are also Yellowknife MLAs. Does it bother the Premier or bother the other Cabinet Ministers that the information that myself and colleagues of mine have asked for from the Minister about where the research is, what type of studies were conducted into moving the TTC from Yellowknife to Hay River, we just haven’t got it? I know the Minister has responded that he’s going to get it to us by the end of session, but, Madam Speaker, that causes me a great deal of concern that that information isn’t readily available to Members of this side of the House, and I’d like to hear from the Premier if indeed it causes him concern that we can’t get the information to make an informed decision. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Mr. Ramsay, we may be treading close to a line here. I don't think you can ask the Premier a question in his role as Premier and have him answer it within the context of his role as a Yellowknife MLA. We will go to the latter part of the question and try to ignore the first part. Thank you. Mr. Premier.

Further Return To Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Cabinet has looked at a number of factors in considering this change. The Minister responsible has assured me that he will have that information by the end of the day tomorrow. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you. Supplementary, Mr. Ramsay.

Supplementary To Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. My apologies for crossing the line. It is a pretty invisible line, but I may have crossed it. Thank you. I am wondering if the Premier can let us know, in the government's organizational policy, does that policy speak to strictly moving jobs and programs around or does it speak to clients' needs and program needs?

It is one thing to move civil service jobs out of Yellowknife; that is something, given the chance, I would support, if it made sense. When you look at a program, the clients it is going to impact, the services those clients are going to need, does the organizational policy of this government have that in mind? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Hear! Hear!

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. The honourable Premier, Mr. Handley.

Further Return To Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Yes, the policy looks at a number of factors, including the government's organizational design, its flexibility to deliver programs, best use of personnel, best use of fiscal infrastructure, delivery of the program closest to the people who are being served, equitable distribution of social and economic and employment benefits around the Northwest Territories.

Madam Speaker, there are a number of issues that we have to take a look at. No one of those would trump all of the others, it would be a matter of looking at everything and saying where can we best deliver the program of the services given all the factors. We must look at them being fair to everybody around the Territories. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Premier. Final supplementary, Mr. Ramsay.

Supplementary To Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Given the fact that we haven't had any information, I would like to ask the Premier what information was available to Cabinet Ministers when they made the decision. We haven't seen any information. I would like to ask the Premier what did they see? Where was the research if they had any research prior to making that decision? Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Premier.

Further Return To Question 45-15(4): Policies For Facility And Program Relocation

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I just listed a number of criteria that is normally considered in making this kind of decision. There is certainly good discussion in Cabinet about all the factors that we would have to consider in relocating TTC and, as I have assured you, Madam Speaker, the Minister responsible will share the information with the Member before the end of the day tomorrow. Thank you.

Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Thank you, Madam Speaker. This question is for the Minister responsible for Youth. Knowing that the government must commit to additional investment with respect to youth initiatives for healthy and prosperous communities, why has the government reduced funding for this fiscal year to the point that funds have been exhausted in the first month of this fiscal year? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The Minister responsible for Youth, Mr. McLeod.

Return To Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Madam Speaker, we have many youth programs that we have developed over the years and many new programs. I am not sure exactly where the Member is going when he says that we have reduced funding. We have a budget for youth in a lot of different areas. We have a budget for youth core funding which is dedicated towards providing assistance to larger-scale programs in the different communities and organizations and individuals. We also have the Youth Contributions Program that has money allocated for travel and different organizations. We also have our Volunteer Development Program, our Pan-Territorial Sports Program and the sports and recreation contributions to the communities.

I would have to ask the Member to clarify which program he is indicating, because I do not believe that there has been any reduction. Our programs have maintained their level of funding. We have actually added more programs this year with the introduction of the NWT Games; we also have the Community Initiatives Program that is in place.

The Member may be referring to funding that is allocated to the different regions now that we have changed the process of how applications are handled. Historically, the applications came directly to us in headquarters. We no longer do that. The money is now allocated, for the most part, to the different regions. Of course, the programs are well utilized and well subscribed to. The money does run out early in the year and in this case I believe the Member is referring to a youth contribution application that was made and was able to be funded. That is all I can say on that. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Supplementary, Mr. Menicoche.

Supplementary To Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Thank you very much, Madam Speaker. I guess a little bit of clarification is in order for the Minister. During my recent tour I went to Wrigley and Fort Liard and the students there were looking at traveling for track and then going down for some orientation and looking at some areas of further education down in Alberta. I went to the Minister and asked him, I said look, these communities need help. He said no, we cannot help them. I said, well why? The official response was we have no more money in the pot. My question to the Minister, Madam Speaker, is why do we not have any more money? This is still May and we just received a new budget two months ago. My question to the Minister is why don't we have any money to assist these communities and these youth organizations? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, some of the regions have already allocated all of their money. For the program that the Member is referring to, the Youth Contributions Program, we have $125,000 for 33 communities across the Territories. That doesn't go very far. We have looked at different ways to try to make the dollars stretch a little further. We have looked at capping the amounts that we make in terms of contributions. We have looked at limiting the different organizations in the communities. We are trying to find ways to be able to spread that around a little further, but up until now that is all the money that we have to deal with. That was the amount approved in the budget, so it really restricts us on the number of applications that come forward from all the different communities. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Supplementary, Mr. Menicoche.

Supplementary To Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am sure that the government and the Minister are well aware that many of these smaller communities have no other resources, such as the larger communities which can go to industry and can go to private enterprises. Small communities, Madam Speaker, like Wrigley and even Fort Liard to some extent, don't have those opportunities to ask other areas. They are coming to me and I am asking the government look, we have to help them out and they are telling me no. I am saying when is this government going to help our small communities? They must know that they have no other sources to go to. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, we have a $1 million budget in the area of youth programs and three-quarters of that, or $750,000, is budgeted for Youth Corp Programs. There is $125,000 for the youth contributions. There is some money for a youth program advisor. All the money that we have in our budget goes to the communities. We recognize that the needs and requests that are coming forward are a lot more than we can accommodate. I am certainly willing to provide a breakdown of the money that was allocated to the Member's riding, for him to see where the money has been spent and to have further discussion with him to see how we can make the dollars go further in his riding. The southern communities have historically applied earlier on for the different funds to go on different trips and, of course, because we’re very limited in where we can spend that money, it doesn’t go very far. But I certainly would like to sit down with the Member and point out and outline all the different programs we have for funding and also give him a breakdown of what was spent or where this money that was allocated to his region, his riding, was spent. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. Final supplementary, Mr. Menicoche.

Supplementary To Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I would very much look forward to the Minister providing that information to me and if they can provide it before we leave this session this week. It’s just that myself and the Minister and the government are aware of the small communities, but I think what’s happening, Madam Speaker, is that in the small communities' perspective this does not exist in our bureaucracy. So we’re going to have to look at some way of addressing that. Once again, if the Minister will provide that information to me before we leave this session, that will be appreciated. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. Mr. McLeod.

Further Return To Question 46-15(4): Youth Contribution Program Funding For Nahendeh

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, we certainly would be pleased to provide that information. As I indicated before, our dollars flow out to the communities. A number of projects were funded over the years in the Member’s riding. We’d be pleased to share that information. Of course, we’re always looking at any way we can supplement our budget. We’d like to see the youth programming and youth projects increase. So we will be maintaining another ask for any new monies that come forward from the federal government or to this government, and we’d certainly keep our interests forward for all the different communities. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. The time for question period is over. Item 7, written questions. Item 8, returns to written questions. Item 9, replies to opening address. Mr. Hawkins.

Thank you, Madam Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to return to item 6 on today’s agenda. Thank you.

Question 47-15(4): Administration Of The Homeownership Program (EDAP)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, it’s been reported in the newspaper and a couple days in the House regarding the housing situation that my honourable colleagues have been asking the Minister responsible for the Housing Corporation. I’d like to ask the Minister responsible for the Housing Corporation about the programs and how that has impacted our region in the Sahtu with regard to the types of programs that have been talked about in the House in recent days. Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. The honourable Minister responsible for the Housing Corporation, Mr. Krutko.

Return To Question 47-15(4): Administration Of The Homeownership Program (EDAP)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, in regard to the EDAP program, as we all know that’s probably one of the programs that we’ve been able to get the most mileage out of and I think, if anything, in most communities that’s the only program we can get people out of public housing into home ownership. They have been taking advantage of that. Like I stated in my statement over the last week, we’ve put some 570 people into this program and we’ve put some $67 million into the Northwest Territories economy.

Hear! Hear!

But I think more importantly the EDAP program was originally designed to help people move from public housing into home ownership who were paying the high end with regard to the rent scale. So I’d just like to note for the Member that the EDAP program, as it was originally laid out, was to assist small communities and individuals to move out of public housing into home ownership. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.

Supplementary To Question 47-15(4): Administration Of The Homeownership Program (EDAP)

Thank you. Madam Speaker, the EDAP program seems to be getting a good response from the smaller communities. In terms of the home ownership programs, can the Minister inform this House if someone is rejected for whatever circumstances of their application if there is a process for the people to reapply? Is there an independent board that they can go to, or do they apply through the office of the Housing Corporation to seek another approval of the application? Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Krutko.

Further Return To Question 47-15(4): Administration Of The Homeownership Program (EDAP)

Thank you, Madam Speaker. Madam Speaker, there is a process in which we encourage the applicants to reapply in regard to the following year because of change of circumstances. Like I stated last week, there are certain responsibilities in the application that the client must consider. They must be able to show that they’re able to sustain a house in regards to the operation of the unit, but also more importantly they have to retain a mortgage through the bank for a portion of the payment for the unit.

The other problem that we have in a lot of small communities is land development. A lot of these clients in small communities are having problems trying to access land, and there are time limits with regard to the application, which is 90 days. In a lot of cases, communities do not have access to banks, don’t have access to the lands to be developed in that time frame. So in most cases the applications are approved and then the following year a lot of this construction takes place. So because of that, a lot of clients are basically informed that because they have not completed or concluded the responsibilities laid out in the application, they are rejected and encouraged to apply next year, hopefully with a better chance of getting access to a bank or being able to obtain land to build on. Thank you, Madam Speaker.

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.

Supplementary To Question 47-15(4): Administration Of The Homeownership Program (EDAP)