Debates of May 31, 2006 (day 2)


Minister’s Statement 6-15(5): Butthead Campaign 2006

Mr. Speaker, I am proud to announce that through the Don’t be a Butthead campaign, many young people have made the commitment to be smoke free. I have personally written to over 3,000 children and youth from every community in the NWT, congratulating them on their pledge to remain smoke free. This campaign originated in 2004 as an initiative of the Department of Health and Social Services to educate youth across the North on the benefits of staying smoke free.

This year, youth and schools in the NWT got caught up in the smoke-free fervor by entering the Create the Smoke Free Future contest in either the junior or senior category. A total of 200 entries from 12 communities were received in four categories of words, music, video and visual arts.

As we celebrate World No Tobacco Day, I am proud to announce the winners of the Create the Smoke Free Future contest.

The winners in the junior class, grades 3 to 7, are: music category, Leah Bodnar McLeod, Tori Hendrick, Leon Simon and Melanie Rogers, Inuvik; written category, Tamara Grosco, Yellowknife; visual arts, Hannah MacLeod, Yellowknife; video, Carly Wilson, Yellowknife.

The winners in the senior class, grades 8 to 12, are: music category, Sonny Simpson, Wekweeti: written category, Heather Henderson-Powder, Tulita; visual arts, Russell Giroux, Detah; video, Max Rossouw, Brandon Bradbury, Griffin Wile and David Brinston, Yellowknife.

The junior winners will be receiving their choice of $250 or a digital camera while the senior winners will have their entries produced professionally. I invite Members to view the winners’ artwork in the Great Hall throughout the day. They are excellent creations and a testament of your youth’s commitment to stay smoke free.

I hope that you will show your continued support of the campaign by congratulating students in your riding who have made a commitment. You can also encourage and recognize the people and schools in your community for their continued efforts in protecting our youth against the harmful impacts of tobacco use.

In addition to the successful Don’t be a Butthead campaign, this Legislature recently passed and implemented legislation to create a smoke-free generation. The Tobacco Control Act represents an important part of this government’s strategy to encourage healthy lifestyles for all northerners.

Educating our youth about the harms of smoking is a giant step towards helping them choose a healthy lifestyle. Let us work together to end the smoking epidemic that harms so many northerners every year. Thank you.
