Debates of May 31, 2006 (day 2)


Member’s Statement On Supporting Innovation In The NWT

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. It’s my job to challenge the government in order to encourage them to provide the highest quality of life for our people that we represent. Today I wish to speak about the lack of innovation by this government and the lack of encouragement it is offering our local northern innovators. The Association for the Study of Peak Oil points out that we are on the verge of a massive global oil shortage which will result in the skyrocketing oil prices some day soon. But thankfully, Mr. Speaker, the sky isn’t falling today. Although imagine what that will do to a territory that is so dependent on fuels for heating and transportation. Mr. Speaker, our government should know that we are not prepared. We have not done enough to establish alternative energy sources to protect us. What are we doing about creating innovative energy programs? What are we doing to encourage innovation, period?

Mr. Speaker, innovation is a strong characteristic of northerners, and I think the ENR Minister would know that personally. Today I wish to mention about an innovative Yellowknifer who has gone above and beyond to take on new technology to establish smart and wise energy usage. This constituent is using geothermal technology to heat his house. He will be investing his own money in this project; he will be heating his home and his water using heat from the earth. So now he’ll be saying goodbye to 90 percent of his home heating oil bill, Mr. Speaker, and I’m sure he won’t miss it one ounce. This constituent, as I do, believes that this government should be interested and seriously looking into types of technology so we can take care of our future and become real partners in our future together. The Department of ENR has offered him advice, Mr. Speaker, but not capital. I said advice; and in this constituent's words, it could be better described as a pat on the back. Even local non-profit agencies such as the Arctic Energy Alliance have had the foresight to help invest money in this project by helping this constituent on this great adventure.

Geothermal technology is already being used across Canada. It’s not a new concept, so our government should be willing to get on board, even on a small scale. I’m very concerned about our future and most certainly where we’re being driven because whoever’s in the driver’s seat needs to take off those blinders to see the signs and where we’re going. This territory is an amazing place, Mr. Speaker, and it deserves…

Mr. Speaker, may I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The Member is seeking unanimous consent to conclude his statement. Are there any nays? There are no nays. You may conclude your statement, Mr. Hawkins.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Thank you, colleagues. As I said just a moment ago, this territory is truly an amazing place and its residents deserve innovation from our government and definitely need a reward program that encourages innovation. Mr. Speaker, we need creative thinking and we need it now. I will continue to do my job by challenging the ENR Minister to look out for the best interests of our constituents and our people and to safeguard our future. So later today, Mr. Speaker, I will have thought-provoking questions, which I’m sure the Minister already knows we have a problem out there, and I’m hoping he’ll have the courage to help deal with them. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
