Debates of October 13, 2005 (day 9)


Minister’s Statement 25-15(4): Energy

Mr. Speaker, this winter all Canadians face higher energy prices, and Northwest Territories residents are no exception. The global trend towards higher energy costs, combined with the impact of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, have driven up the price of oil considerably.

To help residents prepare for increased energy costs, we have developed information and tips on simple and effective conservation measures homeowners and businesses can take, and we have increased funding for energy conservation assistance programs through the Arctic Energy Alliance. Conservation is the most effective way to save energy and offset the cost of increased home heating fuel, gas and power.

During the coming weeks and months, residents will hear public service announcements and will see advertising, information brochures and posters containing useful information to help them conserve energy. A number of regional workshops are also planned to offer advice and guidance to those people interested in making their homes and businesses more energy efficient.

I am inviting my fellow Members of the Legislative Assembly to participate in our energy conservation campaign and to join me in leading by example by reviewing our own personal energy conservation practices in our workplace here in the Legislative Assembly and in our homes. I hope we can all work together to help our constituents make the tough choices in their personal spending to help deal with the effects of these increases on their household bills.

Higher fuel costs also impact government operations, and we are taking steps to lower our own energy consumption. I have met with all deputy ministers and reinforced the urgent need for conservation within government departments throughout the NWT. We have plans in place to ensure energy is used responsibly and to advise staff of steps they personally can take to conserve energy in the workplace.

Energy conservation has always been an important consideration in the design and construction of GNWT facilities. Many of the tried and proven conservation practices have been included in the Good Building Practices for Northern Facilities document that Public Works and Services has developed for use by staff and consultants. This guideline is being updated to capture new technologies and practices and will be more rigorously applied to GNWT projects.

In the long term, we recognize the value of securing more stable and reliable energy sources. We are working to realize our region’s potential as a supplier of alternate energy such as hydroelectric power. There is enormous potential for hydro generation in the Northwest Territories, and we continue to explore this potential to its fullest.

The 15th Assembly’s commitment to care and protection of the natural environment includes responsible energy consumption and conservation of resources by all governments, industries and individuals in the Northwest Territories. We intend to play our part to ensure residents are fully informed of the choices available to them. Mahsi.
