Debates of October 17, 2006 (day 9)


Return To Written Question 2-15(5): Public Housing In Behchoko

Speaker: Mr. Mercer

Mr. Speaker, I have a return to written question asked by Mr. Lafferty on June 1, 2006, regarding public housing in Behchoko.


What is the total number of public housing units in Behchoko, and what is the number of each type of unit?

There are 182 public housing units in Behchoko, three of which are not operational as they are beyond economic repair. The configuration and number of each is as follows:

1-bedroom units - 28 units

2-bedroom units - 56 units

3-bedroom units - 52 units

4-bedroom units - 22 units

5-bedroom units - 1 unit

Seniors' complex - 9 bedrooms managed by Health and Social Services

Senior bachelor units - 14 units


How many of those units are occupied by:


1-2 persons - 55 units


3-4 persons - 55 units


5-6 persons - 35 units


7-8 persons - 5 units


9 or more persons - 3 units


What is the maximum number of persons occupying any one of those units?

At present, the maximum number of persons occupying any one unit is 10. The unit in question is a four-bedroom unit.


How many of those units had a monthly rent, as of June 1, 2006?

As of April 1, 2006, LHOs are no longer responsible for assessing monthly rent. Tenants are charged the maximum unit rent for their unit. Through its Income Support Program, the Department of Education, Culture and Employment provides a subsidy to cover a percentage of the rent charged. The level of this subsidy is determined through income assessment.

The maximum rent charged for each unit size is as follows:

Bachelor unit


1-bedroom unit


2-bedroom unit


3-bedroom unit


4-bedroom unit


5-bedroom unit



What is the highest rent being paid?

The highest rent being charged for any unit in Behchoko is $1,919.00 for a five-bedroom unit, which is the maximum unit rent for a unit of that size.


How many of those units have rent arrears owing by the current tenants of:


Under $100

43 tenants


$101 - $1,000

17 tenants


$1.001 - $5,000

26 tenants


$5,001 - $10,000

19 tenants


$10,001 - $15,000

12 tenants


$15,001 - $20,000

11 tenants


$20,000 - $30,000

15 tenants


$30,000 - $40,000

1 tenant


$40,000 - $50,000

6 tenants


$50,000 and over

4 tenants


What is the maximum amount of arrears owed on any one of those units?

The maximum amount of arrears owed by any individual or family is $76,413.00 as of June 7, 2006.


Of all the units on which arrears are owed, what are the average and median amounts of the arrears?

The average amount of arrears in Behchoko is $11,321.43. The median arrear amount is $5,958.


How many of those units have had major repairs within the past five years, and what was the nature of those repairs?

Maintenance and improvement projects have been completed on 28 units in Behchoko within the last three years. Projects completed include improvements and repairs to plumbing, foundations, flooring, water and sewer, roofing, windows, appliances and painting.


As of June 1, 2006, of the current public housing tenants, how many have had their most recent household income assessment within?

Prior to the transfer of responsibility for income assessment to the Department of Education, Culture and Employment on April 1, 20906, officials at the Rae-Edzo Housing Authority had completed 130 income assessments in the past year. Twenty-one public housing tenants had no income assessment completed between April 1, 2005, and April 1, 2006.


For each type of unit, what are the minimum, maximum, and average buy-out costs?

There is no minimum or maximum cost to purchase a public housing unit. The cost to purchase is determined based on an appraisal of the value of the unit. Interested purchases who qualify for Housing Corporation homeownership programs will receive assistance based on their income level.


As of June 1, 20906, how many of those public housing units had received at least one visit from a tenant relations officer within the last year?