Debates of October 18, 2006 (day 10)


Question 131-15(5): Lack Of Progress On The Devolution And Resource Revenue Sharing Negotiations

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ask questions to the Premier with regard to following up on the statements and questions I asked the Premier about yesterday. It’s with regard to a lack of progress this government and the Premier is making with regard to the resource revenue sharing. Yesterday the Premier committed to providing me with proof of the progress and this morning I appreciated the fact that there was a letter sitting on my desk that is supposed to be proof. I am going to table this letter in the House, but could I just ask the Premier exactly what part of this letter is supposed to be proof? I am telling you, nobody on this side of the table could see anything that could even be construed in any way as proof that the federal government is moving on this file. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you. I think you are referring to a document that is not before the House. I disallow the question.

---Ruled Out of Order