Debates of October 20, 2006 (day 12)
Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today in my Member's statement I spoke about the hardships facing some of the elders living independently on fixed incomes. It is clear that our policies and programs require adjustments to ensure that elders can live out their lives independently and in the comfort of their own homes. My question today is to the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment. Can the Minister tell me, and the House, whether his department is considering adjusting the Seniors' Fuel Subsidy Program to ensure that it captures all the elders who need such a subsidy? Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Honourable Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Dent.
Return To Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. At this point we're not planning any changes for this winter's season. There may be changes that would be proposed as part of the income security review.
Just to let Members know that although we had a budget figure of $525,000 in last year's budget, actually expenditures for the program were over $1.1 million. We deliver the program no matter what the budget is, to make sure that the seniors are getting the same amount of fuel each year, no matter what it costs. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Mr. Dent. Supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.
Supplementary To Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. However, fall is setting in and winter is just around the corner, and I'm somewhat surprised and shocked that even though the program is being delivered that it has no changes yet for an increase in fuel for the small communities. Elders are getting their fuel I think by November until the end of April, so it's not enough for all the elders and the elders are struggling right now with the high cost of living in these small communities. Mr. Speaker, we do have a surplus. I wonder why the Minister's not going to the Finance Minister to knock on his door, like other Ministers are for their projects to go through. We should be taking care of our elders, and this is critical. So I will ask the Minister again if he would go back and ask and score one for the elders. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Dent.
Further Return To Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I think that we can point with pride to our seniors' programs here in the Northwest Territories. I think the programs that we offer seniors right now are if not the best in North America, they're at least the best in Canada. So we already have a very good program. I think it's important to remember that we call this program a subsidy. No matter what the cost of oil or propane or wood goes to, we provide the same amount to seniors each year. So we're prepared to help seniors, to assist them to stay in their own homes. We're hoping that the communities and families will be able to join with us to ensure that can happen. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Dent. Supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.
Supplementary To Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I do acknowledge the support that this government is giving to our seniors, but when I go back into the Sahtu communities and other communities, I hear the elders are not getting enough of a fuel subsidy. There is a discretion there. Some of the elders are getting it and some are not getting it. I'm asking to look at the recent increase of fuel in our communities and the increase in the cost of living. The fuel subsidies are still the same; there's no increase. So it's not going very far. We do have the program; let's give our elders a break this year and treat the elders the same. Give them the cost of fuel so that they stay nice and comfy and warm this winter season, instead of worrying.
Hear! Hear!
You know, they are saving their money for it. So I'll ask the Minister again if he would consider looking at this cost of fuel in the communities for the elders. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Dent.
Further Return To Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I'm quite prepared to look at the subsidy program as part of the income security review. That won't mean that it will happen this year, but it could perhaps happen in future years if Members of this House agree that that's where we should put our money. We have to keep reminding ourselves, though, that this program is not suffering because the cost of oil is going up. I mean, the people are not suffering because the cost of oil is going up. The program still provides them with the same amount of fuel no matter what the oil cost is. We provide the same number of litres each year, no matter what the cost is, to seniors. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Thank you, Mr. Dent. Final supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.
Supplementary To Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would like to again ask the Minister, the Fuel Subsidy Program, it's not enough. I'm telling you right now I'm speaking on behalf of the elders who have spoken to me. The fuel there, the need, and we're not taking this as a real important issue to take care of elders. We're going against a lot of our values in terms of how we're to look after the elders. So, Mr. Speaker, to my question here. Can the Minister look at the program this year? Look at the program this year and treat the elders all the same in terms of the fuel subsidy and give them what they deserve in terms of taking care of our elders. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Dent.
Further Return To Question 145-15(5): Fuel Subsidies For Seniors
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We're in a process of constantly reviewing our programs. I'm not confident that I'm going to be able to find any extra money to put into this program this year, given the fact that we only have a limited budget and we know that we're going to spend more than twice what's in the budget already. The strain is already pretty severe on the department to try and just cover the actual cost because of the fuel price increases. But I will certainly do as the Member directs and discuss whether or not there are any changes that we could make, and I'll be prepared to come and discuss this with committee when we review the proposed changes for the Income Security Program. Thank you.