Debates of October 21, 2004 (day 25)


Minister’s Statement 61-15(3): Appointment Of Pan-Northern Ambassador For The 2007 Canada Winter Games

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased to provide Members with an update on the recent appointment of Mr. Jim Antoine as the pan-northern ambassador for the 2007 Canada Winter Games that will take place from February 24 to March 10, 2007 in Whitehorse, Yukon.


2007 will mark the 40th anniversary of the Canada Winter Games. Nearly 4,000 athletes, coaches and officials and many thousands of other spectators and media from every part of Canada will travel to Whitehorse to experience the North during the games.

With the announcement of Mr. Antoine as the pan-northern ambassador, the three territorial Premiers and the Whitehorse Host Society are recognizing that this event will be a unique opportunity to showcase the Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories and the many things we have to offer the rest of Canada.

Initially, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Antoine’s work will include coordinating the development of a pan-territorial agreement on a range of potential joint projects. These may include:

a national marketing campaign featuring territorial tourism, cultural and economic development opportunities;

a pan-northern torch relay;

joint sport development programs for athletes, coaches and officials;

joint promotion of northern artists and their works; and,

television coverage of territorial athletes and performers.

Once agreement is reached on the joint projects, Mr. Antoine will lead officials from the three jurisdictions in implementing them over the next two-and-a-half years.

Mr. Chair, I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Antoine earlier this week and I can report that he is very enthusiastic about this opportunity and is committed to working hard to help all three territories reap the benefits of this great event.

2007 will be the first time the Canada Winter Games have been held north of 60, and will also be the last Canada Winter Games before the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver/Whistler.

Promoting the games will provide our territory with an opportunity to develop coaches, officials and athletes with a view to maximum northern participation at the 2010 Winter Olympics.

To do this successfully will require an investment and the three territorial governments will be seeking out partnerships as a way to realize our goals. The pan-northern ambassador will be approaching the private sector, including businesses and corporations in all three territories, to support this initiative. Mr. Speaker, we encourage all northern companies to work with us to make this event a success.

With his distinguished career as a former Member of this Assembly, a former Premier, a former chief and a prominent hockey player, Mr. Antoine will make a unique contribution to the success of the 2007 Canada Winter Games. I am very pleased that he has agreed to help all northerners take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.


Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. McLeod. I am sure I speak for all Members of this House on congratulating Mr. Antoine on that appointment.

Before I go on, I would like to draw attention to the presence in the Speaker’s Gallery of Mr. Tony Whitford, former Speaker of the House.
