Debates of October 26, 2006 (day 16)

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Krutko. Final supplementary, Mr. Yakeleya.

Supplementary To Question 204-15(5): Heaters In Independent Homes For Elders

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. As soon as we finish with the House today I’m going to pick up an application for all the people in the Sahtu region, especially the elders. Mr. Speaker, I’d like to ask the Minister in his limited time as the Minister, will he ensure that the new Minister will concentrate on the small communities? I know the Minister who is going to, is from a large riding, and have the housing association Minister not lose sight of the small communities in terms of the workload that the new Minister will have on his plate that the small communities don’t lose out on this reshuffling of the Cabinet portfolios. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Yakeleya. Mr. Krutko.

Further Return To Question 204-15(5): Heaters In Independent Homes For Elders

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as the Minister responsible at this time in this House, I commit that they will do something in regards to those communities and they will be able to come forward with something, work along with yourself and the Minister to be…

Written Question 22-15(5): Affordable Housing Plans

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. My question is for the Minister responsible for the NWT Housing Corporation.

Can the Minister provide this House with the “new” affordable housing plans?

What innovative changes are incorporated into the affordable housing plans that more adequately meet the needs of northerners?

Has there been any post-analysis done to assess whether or not adjustments to floor plans will better meet specific needs of potential clients. If so, can the Minister provide this information?

Thank you.

Written Question 23-15(5): Direct Appointments, Transfers And Casual Hires

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. My question is for the Minister of Human Resources.

What is the number of direct appointments to the GNWT public service from April 1st, 2006, to October 26th, 2006, with a breakdown by department and agency?

Please provide the rationale used for each direct appointment?

What is the number of appointments to the GNWT public service from April 1st, 2006, to present that were not the result of an open and transparent job competition? Please categorize into types of appointments such as direct appointments, transfers and casual hires.

Written Question 24-15(5): Chronic Pain Claimants

Mahsi, Mr. Speaker. My question is for the Minister responsible for the Workers’ Compensation Board.

Of the 39 claimants diagnosed with chronic pain, how many are now receiving permanent or temporary benefits for chronic pain?

Of the 23 injured workers who have returned to work, how many returned to the kind of work and pay that they had before being diagnosed? Do any have outstanding claims for compensation for chronic pain?

If an injured worker declines to participate in training or pain management programs, what criteria does WCB use to terminate or adjust their benefits?

Bill 13: Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 2, 2006-2007

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Frame Lake, that Bill 13, Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 2, 2006-2007, be read for the first time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. The motion is on the floor. The motion is in order. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.


Bill 13: Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 2, 2006-2007

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Frame Lake, that Bill 13, Supplementary Appropriation Act, No. 2, 2006-2007, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill makes supplementary appropriations for the Government of the Northwest Territories for the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Question is being called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.


Bill 15: Elections And Plebiscites Act

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Yellowknife South, that Bill 15, Elections and Plebiscites Act, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill replaces the Elections Act and the Plebiscite Act. It provides a framework for the orderly conduct of the election of Members to the Legislative Assembly and for the holding of plebiscites.

The existing Elections Act and Plebiscite Act are repealed. Consequential amendments are made to the Electoral Boundaries Commission Act, the Income Tax Act, the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, and the Public Service Act.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Question is being called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.


Bill 15 has had second reading and, accordingly…Mr. Ramsay.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to waive Rule 69(2) and have Bill 15, Elections and Plebiscite Act, moved into Committee of the Whole. Thank you.

Bill 16: An Act To Amend The Jury Act

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Deh Cho, that Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Jury Act, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill amends the Jury Act so that the sheriff may compile the jury list from records of the names and addresses of insured persons maintained under the Medical Care Act. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Bell. The motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Question is being called. All those in favour? All those opposed? Motion is carried.


Bill 16 has had second reading. Mr. Bell.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to waive Rule 69(2) and have Bill 16, An Act to Amend the Jury Act, moved into Committee of the Whole. Thank you.

Bill 17: An Act To Amend The Legislative Assembly And Executive Council Act, No. 2

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Yellowknife South, that Bill 17, An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No. 2, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill amends the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act to set out certain rights and privileges of the Legislative Assembly, to clarify the responsibilities of the Speaker, Board of Management and officers of the Assembly, to define and ensure the consistent usage of certain terms and to make a number of minor changes to the act.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Ramsay. Motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Question is being called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.


Bill 17 has had second reading. Mr. Ramsay.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to waive Rule 69(2) and have Bill 17, An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act, No. 3, moved into Committee of the Whole. Thank you.

Bill 18: An Act To Amend The Education Act

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Deh Cho, that Bill 18, An Act to Amend the Education Act, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill amends the Education Act to replace the definition "ratepayer."

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Question is being called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.


Bill 19: An Act To Amend The Archives Act

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Weledeh, that Bill 19, An Act to Amend the Archives Act, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill amends the Archives Act to replace the definition "public record" and to except certain records from that definition. This excludes those records from the requirements for transfer to the archives. The excepted records include:

records of the Legislative Assembly, the Speaker, the Clerk, and the committees and individual Members of the Legislative Assembly;

correspondence between members of the public and Members of the Legislative Assembly;

certain records of members of the Executive Council; and

surplus copies of records.

The bill eliminates the Public Records Committee and transfers the committee's powers and functions to the archivist. The bill allows the archivist to authorize the destruction or relinquishment of a public record only if he or she decides the record does not have archival value.

The bill also amends the regulation-making powers in the act. The Commissioner in Executive Council is empowered to make all regulations under the act. New powers are added to make regulations respecting the transfer and storage of records, and to establish classes of records to which particular regulations apply.

The bill also adds a new definition, "record", which includes electronic records. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.



Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Question is being called. All those in favour? All those opposed? The motion is carried.


Bill 20: An Act To Amend The Income Tax Act

Mr. Speaker, I move, seconded by the honourable Member for Weledeh, that Bill 20, An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act, be read for the second time.

Mr. Speaker, this bill amends the Income Tax Act to reflect and address proposed changes to the Income Tax Act (Canada) that would lower the income tax rate on large corporation dividends received by Canadians. The bill would lower the Northwest Territories income tax rate on those dividends. The bill would not come into force unless the proposed amendments to the Income Tax Act (Canada) come into force. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Roland. Motion is on the floor. Motion is in order. To the principle of the bill.

