Debates of October 27, 2004 (day 29)


Member’s Statement On NWT Housing Corporation Rent Scale Policy

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I’m going to use my Member’s statement today to talk about the NWT Housing Corporation’s rent scale policy. Mr. Speaker, the rent scale policy of the NWT Housing Corporation is geared solely on income and has remained unchanged since its first implementation 30 years ago. There have been numerous consultation processes done by the Housing Corporation with local housing organizations, public housing clients, and the public in general on how the rent scale policy can be adjusted or changed to be more in harmony with the needs of public housing clients.

Mr. Speaker, talk of change in the rent scale has gone on for too long. It is time for the Housing Corporation to start the ball rolling towards a system of public housing rental rates which reflect and assist persons in public housing to move away from public housing units and into more independent housing. The current system, as everyone is aware, is a system which encourages people to remain in public housing, encourages people to not go out and look for a job and, sadly, encourages people to not pay rent at all. This government has been dragging its feet on the issue for too long and it’s time to roll out a new policy which has been developed, and show persons in public housing and the public and the people in the NWT that the Housing Corporation is not all talk, but does have a plan to moving forward with harmonizing needs with resources. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.
