Debates of October 25, 2022 (day 125)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Mr. Edjericon, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Ms. Weyallon-Armstrong.

Thank you. Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, absolutely. Again, I mentioned we'll look at our schedule, be able to see what time everybody has and start to have those discussions. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Tu NedheWiilideh.

Thank you, Madam Chair. While we're having that same discussion, I guess I'm just wondering maybe we could also maybe plan to meet with the chief and council for YKDFN as well to take a look at maybe some of their needs and requirements as well maybe. If the Minister, if her and I could probably meet with chief and council just to in sometime, depending on her schedule, just to talk about some of these other capital projects. Mahsi.

Thank you. Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, absolutely. I mean, we have these discussions. It could be, you know, a phone call. It could be something you know, we can schedule a sit down, and again, we'll look at our schedule. But I'm happy to work with the Member. I think, you know, that's important to get the MLAs, the Indigenous groups, all sit down at a table and to be able to have meaningful discussions. I mean, you look at some of the work the Indigenous groups and the work with the government, perhaps we can go to the feds with one planned approach to be able to look at funding options for some work that's happening in the communities. And it's always good to see the Indigenous groups engage in that process. So I'd be happy to work with the Member. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Member for Tu NedheWiilideh.

Thank you, Madam Chair. And as well, the Minister, if she could probably work with our the, some of the other I guess in this case the Minister of Finance to see if we get her on side as well because we did have a meeting with her a few weeks ago in trying to talk about this winter road. So I'm looking forward to work with all of you. I'm trying to make something happen. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Minister of Infrastructure, do you have

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, I think that's you know, Minister of Finance and I work together on many different projects. I mean, this is a wholeofgovernment approach. It's not individual departments working in silos to be able to get some of these projects going. So Minister Wawzonek and I have several different major projects that we work together on. So thank you.

Thank you. Member for Tu NedheWiilideh.

I just want one more question, I guess, and I'm done. I just want to see a smile on her face so that I could get my winter road this year. Thank you, Madam. Just a statement. Mahsi.

I'll take it as a statement. And she's smiling. All right. Any further questions, comments under Infrastructure, asset management? Member for Monfwi.

Thank you. With reference to Whati transmission line, the completion date is 20262027. Can we get an update and the estimate cost of the project? Thank you.

That's under the next section. On asset management we're on. You'll be first for the next section, okay.

Are there any further questions under asset management from Members? All right, seeing none, Infrastructure, asset management, infrastructure investment, $82,792,000; does committee agree?



Committee please turn to page 56, energy and strategic initiatives with information items on page 57. Member for Monfwi.

Yeah, if she can answer my question. Thank you.

Thank you. Minister of Infrastructure.

Madam Chair, can I switch my witnesses?

Yes. Sergeantatarms, please escort the witness out and bring the new witness in.

Please introduce your witness for the record.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, still with me is my deputy minister Steve Loutitt, but added to my table here is my assistant deputy minister for energy and strategic initiatives Robert Jenkins.

So Member for Monfwi, did you want to repeat your question.

We know that when this access Whati transmission line goes through, we know that it's going to lower the cost of electricity in the community. So I know Gameti were expressing interest as well. They wanted to see if it is possible to extend the Whati transmission line on to Gameti and from there to the Snare Hydro. I did ask that question before. Is there any way that we can, you know, include Gameti, you know, to extend the Whati transmission line to Gameti and then, you know because they want to have they want to have the same benefit as Whati. So that was their interest. That's what they expressed. So I just wanted to ask about that if it is possible. But I know Tlicho government probably already talked to you guys about it so I'm just asking.

Thank you, Member. Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, so one of the projects that we are looking at in Gameti well, first of all, I think I heard a couple questions in there, but one of them was the Whati transmission line and some of the work going forward. You know, we are looking at estimation completion date, if everything goes well, in 20262027. So we are still in the early planning stages of the Whati transmission line, including consultation, engineering, environmental scoping. So that work is still underway. We have an agreement signed with the Tlicho government to be able to undertake most of this work. So that's the Member's first question. And I do want to just mention for the Gameti, we are looking at mini hydro. And if I can just have Mr. Jenkins speak a little bit more about the project there. Thanks.

Thank you. Mr. Jenkins.

Speaker: MR. JENKINS

Thank you, Madam Chair. So as the Minister mentioned, for the Whati Tline next year, we're doing some work with the Tlicho government right now on the routing for that project and hope to be available to advance that to a decision point of whether we pursue federal funding for that project.

In Gameti, we've been looking at a mini hydro study there. We did update some prefeasibility work in June of this year. And it does look like there is sufficient water available to meet the community power needs.

So in terms of our planned work for next fiscal year, we're going to continue with some of the technical studies in the planning and move that forward that project forward in conjunction with the Tlicho government. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Member for Monfwi.

Yeah, thank you. I did say it before, we all know the mine will be closing soon and there's going to be an influx of mine workers without jobs. So we did say that and I note Tlicho government or Gameti were expressing interest in that as well to have allseason road. And so because there's going to be a lot of workers with class 4, class 3, or heavy equipment operator. So they did ask about that. So I just want to ask the Minister if that plan is in place as well, you know, for future discussions and if there's any studies done on it and how much would it cost.

Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, that's not in the plan right now to proceed with that work. Yes, you know, that's do you want to add something further? If I can, deputy minister.

Thank you. Deputy minister, Loutitt.

Speaker: MR. LOUTITT

Thank you, Madam Chair. The MLA is correct that, you know, with the diamond mines closing, there does need to be plans for additional work to sustain and help the economy along. We have some large projects that are, you know, in different areas in the North Slave and up through the Slave Geological Province is one of them and the Mackenzie Valley. These projects create opportunities for employment for the communities. And until such time said mines is as we know the Slave Geological Province Road goes into one of the most mineral rich areas of the world and will create mining opportunities. And in the interim, that would be the construction phase would create those jobs at that point. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Member for Monfwi.

Thank you. Thank you for the information. Yes, I know well, the allseason road and the elders were saying that there is a route, an existing route, an old road from 20, 30 years ago. So they were saying that it's going to be a lot the planning, and it should be a lot easier. This is what they were saying. So it is possible. So I just wanted to ask if it's not part of the plan, can we put it make it part of the plan because with the high cost of living and the people are expressing frustration because with the fuel price going up and everything is flying in and diesel are being used for energy source. So I think they are it's hard everybody is experiencing financial hardship. It's not just in Tlicho communities but in all the small communities, especially within the flyin communities so that is why I was expressing that if we can make it part of the plan, you know, because once the diamond mines close, not everybody's going to be working on the proposed project as you just mentioned. Thank you.

Thank you. Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, before I turn it over to my deputy minister to speak a little bit more about some of the alignment that's happened in the past, but I mean, you know, we are happy to have that discussion to be able to talk about it. Doesn't necessarily mean it's going to get done and put on our capital list but, I mean, we'd be happy to be able to again work with the Indigenous group, have that discussion, work with the MLA, and, you know, find a place to be able to at some point perhaps get it on the books. If I can, Madam Chair, get deputy minister Loutitt to speak a little bit more about some of the past on the project. Thanks.

Thank you. Deputy minister Loutitt.

Speaker: MR. LOUTITT

Thank you, Madam Chair. Again, I agree with the MLA. I think that, you know, should we have a project come forward of this magnitude, I think that's something that we would definitely have to be working with our Indigenous partners and looking at gaining that traditional knowledge and the local knowledge of the landscape. We shouldn't be making those decisions without working with the communities. So if there is an alignment when it comes down to that phase, we would certainly be working with the community members and with the elders to determine the best course. But, and as the Minister noted, we it isn't on the books at this point but it certainly, you know, could become a mandate item in the future. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Member for Monfwi.

Yes, thank you. Yes, I know that nothing can be done without consulting, you know, with any so you have to do a lot of there's lots involved, I am aware of that with planning to have this project, if it ever gets approved or, you know, if it ever gets on the agenda. So I am aware of that. And the deputy minister did mention North Slave region, you know. Here I keep saying it, we're not part of North Slave region. It would be nice, you know, just to identify the Tlicho region itself, then I would we would really know what is being, you know what are the projects that's going to be you know, it's going to be worked on in Tlicho region itself. Here 20 percent in North Slave region. So it would be nice, maybe Minister of Finance can change that later on that, you know, with the or with Infrastructure. But it's just that it would be nice to for all the departments to recognize Tlicho region. We are not part of North Slave region because this is a bit misleading, and it's mostly Yellowknife, you know. So I just wanted to say that to make note of that if for future planning or future projects or anything like that, I would like to see Tlicho region, not North Slave region, then I will really know what is being proposed or what is being planned for my region. Thank you.

Thank you. Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, throughout this whole process here, I've heard the Member speak about having a separate region. It is a wholeofgovernment approach. So it's not just me as Minister of Infrastructure that could separate all the capital by making up a region, so it is a government approach. And I'm sure that this is something our Cabinet or we can have that discussion on. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Time is up. Are there any further questions, comments? Member for Yellowknife North.

Can someone just give me an update on the Fort Simpson LNG plant and whether that is on time and on budget for 20252026 completion?

Minister of Infrastructure.

Thank you, Madam Chair. So the planning for the Fort Simpson LNG project, so right now the project is on track but the flooding that happened in 2021 has caused some major delays. So after the flooding, we identified ongoing erosion area, the project scope was reevaluated and revised to be able to include relocating the existing diesel power plant. So the assessment work continues in this regard, including a climate lens cost estimation work and ultimately federal supports will be required to be able to move in project forward and help mitigate any potential rate impacts.

And if I can, Madam Chair, I'd just if, I can get Mr. Jenkins to just speak a little bit further on where we're at right now. I'm just trying to give you a highlevel overview on what we're doing. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Mr. Jenkins.

Speaker: MR. JENKINS

Thank you, Madam Chair. So as the Minister mentioned after the spring 2021 flooding, really the project scope has been reevaluated and revised and recombined this with the relocation of the existing diesel power plant in the community, that project. So we continue to work with the Power Corporation in 20232024. We're going to continue to do that assessment work to combine those two projects together. And obviously we'll have to look at the costs and what the costs would be for combining those projects together, and then putting together a federal funding application for that work. Thank you, Madam Chair.