Debates of September 29, 2023 (day 164)

19th Assembly, 2nd Session
Members Present
Hon. Diane Archie, Hon. Frederick Blake Jr., Mr. Bonnetrouge, Hon. Paulie Chinna, Ms. Cleveland, Hon. Caroline Cochrane, Mr. Edjericon, Hon. Julie Green, Mr. Jacobson, Mr. Johnson, Ms. Martselos, Ms. Nokleby, Mr. O’Reilly, Ms. Semmler, Hon. R.J. Simpson, Mr. Rocky Simpson, Hon. Shane Thompson, Hon. Caroline Wawzonek, Ms. Weyallon Armstrong

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, there was money at one point notionally allocated for pullouts along the InuvikTuk Highway. Madam Chair, the challenge that we've run into is identifying the appropriate location and getting the hunters and trappers associations from the regions to, in fact, agree on a location, along with elders. Last I know there was some work and some progress made towards bringing those parties together. I would like nothing more than to see what really is a tourism flagship, or could and should be a tourism flagship, have those kinds of facilities.

Without them, it's not quite the flagship that it could be sending folks down an hour plus long road, hour and a half long road, without any kinds of facilities. So, you know, I think there is now a staff person that's been seconded into Tuktoyaktuk to help support their community with some of their tourism planning, and that may well be an opportunity to bring those interested in tourism in that region together to get that moving and to find agreement between those who are the owners of the land. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Great Slave.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Yeah, I totally appreciate the complexity of that as well because I know those pullouts and those recreational use areas will become quite quite popular with the public. So you definitely have to make sure that they're in the right spots. Just looking at some of these things here, I did have an opportunity to see the new some of the new work that had been done around the North Arm Park in the last couple of years and thought it was pretty good, and everything was looking quite good in a lot of our parks over the time. But I just wanted to point out too that not only not having the sort of pullouts and areas along the InuvikTuk Highway is not just a sort of discomfort thing, but it also becomes like an environmental and health issue if people are starting to use places for the washroom that they should not be. And I do believe that was another complaint I did hear through the evacuation that some of the sort of sandpit pullout areas along the highway became basically large outhouses for people. So I do think it is something when we do emergency response and such that if we are going to evacuate people 15 hours south, we need to ensure they can go to the bathroom somewhere.

I think my other question has to do with has there been any talk around installing things like WiFi or cellular service into the territorial parks along along the highways south or the egress routes? I get, again, that this is ITI, but, again, duplicating effort, it would make sense that people could go in and use WiFi at campgrounds. And I'm not sure if that that might already be existing, and I'm just not aware. Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, it is my understanding at this point that well, I don't have any information that we're putting that forward as a plan, as an idea in terms of having WiFi as a set available thing at a park. I mean, I think some parks do have access to it, and the extent that park users then can go and use it is, you know, I guess up to them. I think it's based on the Starlink program in most parks to the extent that again, I believe most of them have it. They are often operated by contractors. So if I'm hedging a bit, it's because it does somewhat depend on each contractor. But they do have access to Starlink. They were being used during the evacuation process. And, again, while we are in the ITI capital, Starlink was also made available for others along the route during the evacuation, and I think there's an understanding that that is, if anything, being improved upon having gone through the recent experiences that we did. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Great Slave.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I think I just wanted to ask a little bit about the Canol Trail and the emergency shelters. I am not super familiar with where this is at, but I did know at one point there was a lot of remediation that was still left around the Canol Trail. Without, you know, asking for too much detail, is that coming to completion to the point where the Canol Trail is going to be more of a tourism destination or, you know, have more areas opened up as a result of remediation? I know there was a lot of challenges remediating it because it's very inaccessible to heavy equipment so a lot of it would have had to have been done by hand. So if maybe the Minister could just give us a bit of an update on that, that would be great.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, Canol Trail is another one that could frankly be a bit of a flagship or it should be a flagship, not a bit of, but should be a flagship in the Northwest Territories. It does have a lot of sections that were still under ownership by the federal government, and there's some concern around overtaking that without doing the kind of proper due diligence to ensure that there's not an excessive amount of remediation that is required. So these ENR is the department that would be the lead in terms of that discussion with the federal government. This capital project is for shelters at Miles 175 and 200. I also at one point had a big large map in front of me on this. I don't have it memorized, but. These we are doing work just with some of these emergency shelters. So they're not really camping shelters per se. They're really meant to support those who are using the trail in the event that they needed an emergency shelter, exactly as described. But there's still quite a bit more to go on this to make the trail, I think, really what what I think probably the Member and myself would like to see. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Great Slave.

Yes, I very much agree with the Minister on this one. It is such a rich part of our history and really could be, yes, like you said a she said, a flagship for that. I guess just wanting to confirm that these two North Arm projects for that are done in the region for Behchoko, those are both done under the Tlicho Infrastructure Agreement? Can the Minister confirm that.

That's correct, Madam Chair. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Great Slave.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Is this the end of the work for the North Arm Park, or is it expected to continue into 20252026? Thank you.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I believe Madam Chair, there's I this is the end for these two projects. Now, I don't have in front of me whether or not there's any future project lists for or future projects outstanding. But I know there had been some delays. So I just want to confirm, if I could. No, I think from what I am seeing or reading, Madam Chair, I think this is the end. Thank you.

thank you, Minister. Are there any further questions under tourism and parks? Member for Deh Cho.

Mahsi, Madam Chair. I see that the there's some group camping areas being constructed. I recall for the Fort Providence campground around 2018, there was plans developed to expand the campground for another eight sites, I believe it was. That was 2018. And so far, I know they didn't go with it at that time. I don't know what ITI's excuse was at that time. I'm just wondering where it is in the capital plan because we were getting quite a bit of, you know, influx of tourism in our community and they're going into the overflow camp area, which is not developed with all the power stalls and everything. But even that, that can get full too itself. So there was room to expand, because I know they have the plans. I was a project officer on that one there. So I'm wondering where it is in the capital plan, and why it hasn't been constructed yet. Mahsi.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. I don't have a Fort Providence campground in the capital plan. So there isn't anything anticipated for Fort Providence in the 20242025 plan. I'm not sure if there was maybe a surrounding area campground, if that's what the question was about. But nothing for the community of Fort Providence. Thank you.

Mahsi, Madam Chair. Yeah, I was hoping to get it bumped up somewhere but wishful thinking, I guess.

The other one too, I recall ITI renovated a building in the community to have a micro fish plant. I'm wondering what was what is the status of that, and are there any future plans? What was happening there? Mahsi.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, I know there was quite a bit of work done at one point with the community in terms of looking at a micro fishery. I don't think there's anything, again, in this plan. There was some training offered, and the training that was offered to community members from Fort Providence around particularly a winter fishery, as well as with respect to the summer fishery, but that would be running out of Hay River. And the last I understand is that there were there was an asset within the community for a small scale fish processing plant for local usage but I believe that is a Fort Providence band asset, not GNWT. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Deh Cho.

Mahsi, Madam Chair. Yeah, I just thought maybe ITI was on top of everything that they do, especially having to do with fisheries as they're promoting fisheries around the plant around the lake I should say, so. Because I'm wondering, you know, people start initiatives and then it just dies, you know, just like on the order papers or something. So I thought ITI would be more, you know because I'll be asking those questions. I guess I'll be sending an email so that we keep everybody accountable. We're spending public dollars and, you know, we should know what's happening with it, and the community should know what's happening with it.

Also, at the same time, the MLA, even myself, I should know what's going on with any ITI projects or any ITI funding that's going into my community, whether it's First Nations or anybody else, instead of me finding out through the grapevine. You know, it would be a common courtesy to us as MLAs. And you know how we felt about that before. That was brought up. So I'm just wondering if we could be I could be included moving forward on all correspondence. I know it's only got two more weeks to go, but a lot of things could happen in two weeks and projects moving forward. But I would really like to be copied on some or notified of what's going on in my region with these public dollars. Mahsi.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. So, Madam Chair, my understanding is that so firstly, that the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment did provide SEED funding to the band at their request. They made an application for a contribution to their fishery initiative, which is what gave them the opportunity to put this asset into use. And then as I said, there's and that's quite common that you know, whether it's a community band or community government or local organization or individual or business, they approach ITI through SEED for access to funding, whether for tourism initiatives or other. And in this case, it was for the micro fishery. And then separate and apart to that is the fishery initiative which is where the training and some funding for supplies was also provided.

Madam Chair, I you know, we do typically, you know all the information about what capital projects the GNWT is paying for in communities is provided in the infrastructure acquisition plan, which is provided in advance of becoming the capital budgets. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Deh Cho.

Mahsi, Madam Chair. No further questions.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Yes, I see here North Arm. I know territory park accessible shower and electrification. I know this project has been ongoing for quite some time, and I know my colleague did ask too, do you have an estimated date of when this project will be completed? It says 20242025. I know it's not going to be this. But it's just that do we have a date and how much is it going to cost?

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. There have been a few delays with some of the work happening in the North Arm Park. Madam Chair, this was one of the earlier projects that was going through under the Tlicho infrastructure the agreement that is with the Tlicho government with respect to procurement and work undertaken on Tlicho lands. So that process just took, therefore, a little bit longer to go through procurement because trying to work under a new program and to do so in a way that was respectful of maximizing that, it just took a bit longer in the first few goes. But it is for this particular project, the shower, it is my understanding that this is the total budget anticipated, and that it will be constructed in the 20242025, within that fiscal period. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Monfwi.

Okay, thank you. I know this year was we had some people staying in North Arm Park area this year. And same thing like what my colleague said regarding the washroom, because I did hear quite a few complaints from the local as well because people are using that area, and the outhouse is in terrible condition. And there was a lot of complaint. And I did send an email to the Minister on that that if there is a contractor, whoever's looking after it should be going out there. And we do we're aware of the fire ban and all those things, but that place was very popular this year. And, you know, to Whati, there's an allseason road going to Whati and we've seen quite a few people going to Whati during the evacuations. And there's going to be next year it's going to be the same. You know, like, there's going to be tourism coming and going. And Whati does not have any outhouse or anything like that along their highway. And I just wanted to know if the Minister is working with Tlicho government or investment corporation regarding installing an outhouse along that highway. And on Highway 3 as well, there's nothing there for people. Thank you.

Thank you, Member. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, there was a contract with a Tlicho business for the cleaning of the facilities at the North Arm Park. I, you know, anecdotically would not be surprised if the usage was far and away what that cleaning contract was anticipating in the circumstances. But, again, I know that there was also a number that was available for users to call and that there was a path by which folks would then attend and provide services.

With respect to Whati, Madam Chair, that's a topic that hasn't come up in a while, but, again, you know, in speaking somewhat outside of capital planning but more about operations, the idea of tourism to Whati, I agree that is it is a great opportunity for the community. There's it's obviously an unexplored region and comes with the opportunity for an authentic experience that I think many people are seeking. But it is Tlicho lands, and it would be Tlicho led. I know that ITI has been involved in the past to going into the community and offering there's mentorship programs. I believe Tlicho citizens have taken the tourism mentorship. There is you know, again, there's engagement locally in terms of asking what they want to work on, but it really will need to be led by the community, and then ITI's there to, either through SEED or through tourism funds, provide operational support. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Nunakput.

Thank you, Madam Chair. No, just a couple of quick comments. I'd like to thank my colleague, Ms. Nokleby, for bringing it up in regard to the pullouts for the TukInuvik Highway. More importantly is the hamlet of Tuk is still having to pay for the on recovered their costs trying to recover their costs and using hamlet funds to provide rental for RVs that are coming into the community and staffing. I know we put in a visitors centre that we still never really officially opened yet, but it's open and we're thankful for that. But I think I would like to know what's the plan because I don't see anything in here. You know, we're putting cabins 200 miles out in places but which is really needed because my buddy Norman Yakeleya walks on that trail. But I have no issue with that. But the issue I have is are we looking at helping Tuktoyaktuk, the hamlet of Tuk, to provide services there for the RVs, RV park, or are we going to hire somebody there through the government to do that for the tourism? Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Yes, thank you, Madam Chair. Madam Chair, at the risk of repeating myself, I've had the opportunity to be on that highway and be in the community, and this is truly a gem for the Northwest Territories tourism industry. It should be I mean, it's a gem. And, you know, it would be such a wonderful opportunity to see it flooded with tourism but with the facilities there to properly receive the tourists and to maximize the opportunity for the community.

So my understanding is that the visitors centre, albeit small, is open. I agree there was no there wasn't quite the flash opening that any of us had perhaps hoped for, but this summer certainly wasn't what anyone expected it to be. There is right now a secondment from one of the ITI staff to the community of Tuktoyaktuk to help really vision what a bigger picture for tourism might be. For example, the opportunity for a culture centre in Tuktoyaktuk, which I have an impression that the federal government has taken some interest in as well. So I think there is more to come but, as I was just saying with Whati, it's it really ideally should be the community that says, here's our vision and idea. ITI can then provide some of the supports, whether through, again, tourism funding and/or with liaising with the federal government and being a kind of cochampion to the federal government. So I think there's a lot of opportunity. I agree. There's nothing in the capital plan because there's not you know, again, the tourism centre right now is opened. The RV park, again, too, Madam Chair, I don't have an answer on the RV park. I think there was some disagreement on location and that involved the federal government lands location. So quite a few things not that I can fix with the capital plan here, Madam Chair. But it's one that I hope this is a discussion that continues for whomever's back in this House. Again, my view is that Tuktoyaktuk should be really, again, an absolute gem.

I will one last note, Madam Chair, tourism numbers were big this year notwithstanding the fires along the Dempster, notwithstanding the challenges. Numbers were up already, and they'll hopefully continue to go up, but they're going to need proper resources. I don't disagree with that. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Nunakput.

Madam Chair, no, just in regards to that, you know, I think the one that we have seconded into the community, I think she should be focusing a little bit more on working with the hamlet of Tuk in regards to the RV park and getting a plan ready instead of, you know, focusing wholly on the visitors centre and trying to find funding. I think that the community of Tuk, the hamlet of Tuk is stretched to the limit already. And they're providing the service that should be provided by the territorial government as an RV park. I see we got a list here two pages long in regards to different projects that are happening in the communities, but I don't see nothing they say it's a gem. Yes, it is a gem in regards to the it's on Tuk 71A lands through the IRC which, like I said, we have to make a plan to get the locations picked through the HTCs and for the pullouts, access to Husky Lake, to finish off that program. We have to help the community in regards to we have the visitors centre but I think more emphasis has to be put on actually helping the community and the hamlet of Tuk instead of letting them utilize their own money to provide a service that this government should be providing. So am I going to are we working toward getting funds for, I guess, an RV park in the community of Tuk? It's already made. But at the end of the day, though, the bottom line is the hamlet of Tuk is paying for it, not the GNWT out of their funds. Are they able to look at that in the future? Thank you, Madam Chair.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.

Thank you, Madam Chair. So, Madam Chair, the complicating factor here is there are no GNWT lands that can be turned into a territorial park, nor unless there was to be some sort of lands swap. But, I mean, right now this is not GNWT land. They are IFR or Inuvialuit lands and/or Tuk community corp lands. So my in speaking with the department over the last couple of years and wondering why there isn't more development, quite frankly, in Tuktoyaktuk and/or along the highway, part of it is, again, that's not our land to develop and it's not our land to do anything with. We can support the community, provide the funding. We provided a staff member. The staff member is now theirs. The staff member's been seconded. She can do as is directed by the community corporation. That's how secondment works. And can be applying for tourism funds, can be applying to do different things. That's entirely at the behest of the community. Thank you.

Thank you. Member for Nunakput.

Thank you, Madam Chair. The Minister could correct me if I'm wrong. The RV park is in the hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, in the hamlet boundaries. So in the hamlet boundaries, the hamlet falls under the GNWT. The GNWT should be providing this service. Am I wrong? Can she correct me? Thank you.

Thank you. Minister of Finance.