Accountability Statutory Officers
• Conflict of Interest Commissioner:
MLAs and the public can file complaints about any Member. The Conflict of Interest Commissioner may investigate and recommend discipline, if any, to the Assembly (via the Speaker) for consideration and/or action.
• Auditor General of Canada:
The Auditor General audits the GNWT's annual consolidated financial statements and the public accounts of some of the GNWT’s larger public agencies. The Auditor General also makes recommendations in its departmental and program performance audits, which are reviewed by the Standing Committee on Government Operations. The process includes a public hearing. The Auditor General’s reports are tabled documents, and the results of committee reviews are published as Committee Reports:
• Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Commissioner:
Reviews decisions of the government on public access to government records, assesses implications for privacy protection of proposed legislation and government programs, and provides advice to the government and standing committees. The Commissioner’s annual report tabled in the Assembly and reviewed by the Standing Committee on Government Operations. The process includes a public hearing and the committee publishes its findings in a report.
• Languages Commissioner:
Ensures recognition of official language rights; may initiate investigations and respond to complaints, and make recommendations to Ministers, deputies, and to the Legislative Assembly in certain circumstances. The Commissioner’s annual report is tabled in Assembly and reviewed by the Standing Committee on Government Operations. The Committee holds a public hearing and reports its findings, as for the review of other statutory officers’ activities.