Debates of March 31, 2004 (day 12)


Minister’s Statement 27-15(3): North American Occupational Safety And Health Week

Mr. Speaker, North American Occupational Safety and Health Week will be held from May 2nd to 8th of this year. The goal is to focus the attention of employers, workers, the general public and all partners in occupational safety and health on the importance of preventing injury and illness in the workplace and at home. North American Occupational Safety and Health Week was first launched in June 1997 marked by an agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico.

For many years, responsibility for Occupational Safety and Health Week related activities in the North fell to the Workers’ Compensation Board. Five years ago, the WCB extended an invitation to business, labour and government to join in promoting this important event. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report this partnership has proven to be very successful. These organizations, along with members of a youth committee, have brought fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to the events and it continues to grow in importance.

The theme for this year’s Occupational Safety and Health Week, “Build a Safe Beginning,” draws attention to the ever present need for ongoing training in the workplace. This is especially critical in the North with our young and ever increasing workforce.

Mr. Speaker, the 2004 organizing and youth committees have several exciting events planned: an employer contest, video lunches and safety demonstrations to name a few. I encourage all Members to get involved in North American Occupational Safety and Health Week this year and strengthen their commitment to occupational safety and health. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
