Debates of May 31, 2004 (day 16)


Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have a new question for the Minister of Health and Social Services. It has to do with my Member’s statement earlier today with regard to the new program that the government has to put more mental health and addictions workers in communities. As I indicated earlier, the qualifications being asked under the contribution agreements are such that it really is sure to exclude most local people from taking on these positions. This raises two questions. One is not being able to provide employment opportunities that are available, but secondly these are important positions that really should have community attachment and this would have a potential for alienating some of the community people. So I would like to know from the Minister what is the rationale behind this sort of requirement? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Miltenberger.

Return To Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, as was pointed out a number of years ago now, the whole area of alcohol and drug addictions and mental health was an area that was not evolving as it should, that it suffered to a certain extent from begin neglected. The attempt here is to come up with a strategy and plan that would properly compensate individuals and get some new positions put in when it comes to mental health, to standardize qualifications and to bring the participants into working with the authorities and their other colleagues and have an integrated service delivery model. The intent of the mental health area, which his highly specialized, was to come up with a standard of qualifications and criteria for work that would be reflective of what the expectations were in dealing with a whole host of very significant issues in the mental health area in the communities, working with the community wellness workers and the social workers, as well as doctors and nurses and other professionals. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Ms. Lee.

Supplementary To Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I must say that the answer that the Minister has provided is a very good “let’s stay in the box” answer as we were warned against in our Circle of Northern Leaders meeting in Hay River. Mr. Speaker, I must state clearly for the record that I do support this program. My questions are in terms of how they are being implemented. Second of all, I do also agree that in all these positions, we need to have people who are properly trained. I am not questioning any of that. It is irresponsible of the government to roll out these programs and require these job requirements when they know, with certainty, that there will not be people in communities who can do this job. I believe getting out of the box is making sure these programs are available in our educational settings or somewhere so that people can be trained for those positions. Why hasn’t there been any thought given to that sort of an option? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Miltenberger.

Further Return To Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, part of this process, which was supposed to be a good news story, was to recognize it. In many cases, there were incumbents in positions and incumbents who had been practising for years, incumbents with an often wide array of different training, education and skills. We want to recognize that. If my memory serves me correctly, I made a commitment in this House last week that the intent is not to lay people off. We would have a grandfathering or arrangement here, as well as doing past learning assessments on incumbents. We are in the process with the community wellness workers, as well as the mental health workers, to look at those assessments and ensure that the incumbents are given the opportunity to upgrade and that their service, experience, their northern background and community experience is recognized in this mix. So, Mr. Speaker, there has been an intent to recognize that we have to be careful how we view this, and it makes no sense to bring in or try to find people from the South when the key to delivering these programs is going to have trained northerners to do that. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Supplementary, Ms. Lee.

Supplementary To Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Minister brings up a few valid points. I guess if some of these positions are going to be grandfathered, there are no further issues with respect to those incumbents who could benefit from that. But as the Minister indicated, those people who are under community wellness worker training, that’s one of the examples where it’s working. My point is there is no training available to implement this program currently in place, and the suggestion being proposed by authorities that are responsible for implementing this is if you had someone who could do this job but doesn’t meet the qualifications, bring us a proposal. My point is that that is a backwards way of doing it. I think the government should have looked into who is available out there, how many positions are we looking for, and how do we fill the gap? So I would like to ask the Minister if he has done any studies. What has the department done to look at what the needs are and what are the current incumbency rates and how does the department propose to fill the gaps? Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Miltenberger.

Further Return To Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, we have developed a job description. It has been classified both in terms of the criteria for the qualifications, as well as the pay. We’ve also recognized that there is work to be done at the community level we’ve attempted to tie in to the broader strategy. We know that there are incumbents. We’ve been working through the authorities, and in a majority of areas this program was rolled out successfully. There is still work to be done and we are committed to working with the authorities and communities to ensure that we do that in a careful way of recognizing that there are people with communities in those positions who have provided a very valuable service all these years. It’s not a type of service that you can just arbitrarily do away with. It should be recognized for what it is, which is a very valuable asset. We are going to work with the authorities to set up the trade. We’ve managed to develop the criteria for the community wellness workers’ training. There is training in other jurisdictions and other post-secondary institutions for the mental health side, and we are going to work to see what we can provide in the North. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Final Supplementary, Ms. Lee.

Supplementary To Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I appreciate the Minister’s long answer without the information I was asking for. Mr. Speaker, I need to know from the Minister if he could provide me, inside or outside of this House, information as to how many mental health and addictions workers are going to be hired under this program. How many of the incumbents would need extra training and what specific training proposals are being considered to bring in the new people? Mr. Speaker, I will remind the Minister that we approved the budget already in March. It’s high time that the department has a plan in place to implement this. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Minister of Health and Social Services, supplementary plus one more.

Further Return To Question 183-15(3): Mental Health Addictions Program

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I would be happy to provide the Member, through the Social Programs committee, with all the information we have as it pertains to the alcohol and drug and mental health strategy, all the information she has requested both as it applies to the community wellness workers and the mental health workers. As well, I would be happy to extend the offer for a briefing to the committee to discuss the situation and any other concerns that they may have resulting from the review of what has been implemented to date, which is now in year two. Thank you.