Debates of October 14, 2004 (day 20)


Member’s Statement On Reduction Of RCMP Services In Nahendeh

Mahsi cho, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my constituents and I continue to be very concerned about the plan to reduce the number of police officers working at the Fort Simpson RCMP detachment. I first raised this issue in the House in May of this year. At that time, the elimination of one of the staff positions in question was only proposed. Since then, the plan has been implemented and we now have one less police officer in the Nahendeh riding. Unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, even though the change has been made, we still have not received a full and comprehensive explanation from the RCMP as to why the staff complement had to be reduced. We have only been told that the RCMP made the decision based on crime statistics and other indicators.

Mr. Speaker, I have been advised by the Minister of Justice that the arrangement we have with the RCMP is essentially a fee-for-service and that it is the sole responsibility of the RCMP to allocate their resources, including personnel, as they think best. Be that as it may, at the same time, I believe my constituents have the right to know why particularly important decisions have been made; decisions that will affect their safety and well-being. We have only been told that the decision may be reversed at some time in the future if conditions change.

But, Mr. Speaker, we need to know why this decision was made in the first place. We need to know precisely what factors were considered when making the decision so we can determine what must change in order to have the position refilled. Already, we are seeing a sizable increase in industrial resource development in my region. Preliminary work has begun on the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline. These developments will have significant impacts on all communities and people. Now is the time to be expanding police services, not cutting them back.

Not only have we lost the position, but it is a senior position, a corporal that we have lost. This raises additional questions about the capacity of the detachment to function adequately given that it is manned with junior officers with little or no northern experience. Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The Member is seeking unanimous consent to conclude his statement. Are there any nays? There are no nays. You may continue your statement, Mr. Menicoche.

I would like to thank my honourable colleagues for allowing me to conclude my statement.

In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, I would like to point out that in April of this year, the total complement of RCMP officers in the NWT was increased by 7.5. To have the number of officers in the Nahendeh riding decrease at the same time presupposes a significant decline in the need for the police services. We must assume a significant increase in the need elsewhere. Yet, Mr. Speaker, we have been given no indication or assurance that this is indeed the case. I believe my constituents deserve a full and proper explanation. I will continue to seek one.
