Debates of October 15, 2004 (day 21)


Minister’s Statement 52-15(3): GNWT Response To The NWT Action Plan On Family Violence

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to report on the action this government is taking as we move toward the elimination of family violence in the NWT.

The government of the 15th Assembly has a strong commitment to social issues. One of the goals of the GNWT’s strategic plan is to have “healthy, educated people living in safe communities, who are able to contribute and take advantage of life’s opportunities.” In particular, Mr. Speaker, the strategic plan identifies the need to strengthen support for families in conflict and to support initiatives to build safer communities.

Today I am pleased to release the Government of the Northwest Territories Response to the NWT Action Plan on Family Violence, 2003-2008: A Framework for Action. This is the GNWT response to the NWT action plan on family violence, a report prepared by the NWT Coalition Against Family Violence. The framework identifies 72 actions involving collaboration and partnership by Government of the Northwest Territories departments and coalition agencies.

Mr. Speaker, the development of this framework has taken some time but the work we have done with the coalition is well worth the wait. Our framework for action is strengthened because it builds on the partnership of the coalition and the GNWT.

Our response outlines actions that can be achieved within existing resources to provide better service to victims of family violence across the NWT. Actions such as implementation of the Protection Against Family Violence Act, developing NWT best practices models and an integrated community response to family violence will go a long way toward increasing supports for victims and children who witness violence.

The GNWT has already begun taking actions included in the framework. One of the most significant activities is the intensive and ongoing work we are doing for the implementation of the protection against Family Violence Act. A coordinator has been hired by the Department of Justice to work with the Implementation Advisory Committee. Training activities continue with those who will have a direct role in the legislation, this includes justices of the peace, RCMP, shelter workers and court staff. As well, all communities in the NWT will have an opportunity to provide advice on the delivery process.

The Department of Justice continues to develop a public information campaign for the act. Materials will be in plain languages and will be aimed at those who are particularly vulnerable to family violence. As well, a monitoring and evaluation framework is being developed. All this activity represents over a $400,000 investment in protection against family violence this fiscal year.

Mr. Speaker, along with implementing the legislation, interagency work has begun in the areas of policy and legislative review, standardizing family violence definitions, intergovernmental funding mechanisms, and training for professionals. Research has begun to examine the issue of gender equity in GNWT policies and programming. More work will begin shortly.

The departments of Justice, Health and Social Services, Education, Culture and Employment, the Executive and the NWT Housing Corporation have all made this work a priority over the next three years. As a first step, Ministers will be required to report on how their responsibilities under the action plan have been incorporated in the business plans for next spring.

I want to echo the Premier’s comments on Wednesday and recognize the hard work of the coalition. Their continued support and dedication to improving the lives of all northern families makes it possible to advance this work. Their work is extremely important because of what is means to eliminate family violence in our communities, our regions and our territory. I look forward to working with the coalition and my Cabinet colleagues to implement the commitments the GNWT has made. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
