Debates of March 4, 2005 (day 49)


Question 551-15(3): Taxation On Aboriginal Education Funding

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. My question today is to the Minister of Education, Culture and Employment with regard to the issue of aboriginal education and taxation. I believe the Minister assured us that he did write on behalf of the NWT residents and the majority of the aboriginal population with respect to taxation. Maybe if I can just get the Minister’s assurance that that has been done. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. The honourable Minister of Education, Culture and Employment, Mr. Dent.

Return To Question 551-15(3): Taxation On Aboriginal Education Funding

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Yes. When we heard that the CRA was planning to tax student grants to aboriginal people, the Minister of Finance and I jointly signed a letter pointing out that this would be counterproductive and encouraged them to reconsider their decision.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Supplementary, Mr. Menicoche.

Supplementary To Question 551-15(3): Taxation On Aboriginal Education Funding

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. That has great implications, because I am of the understanding that the GNWT receives money from the federal government for aboriginal education. Perhaps just briefly, without getting into too much debate, Mr. Speaker, if the Minister can explain or detail the terms of that contract. Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. Mr. Dent.

Further Return To Question 551-15(3): Taxation On Aboriginal Education Funding

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Actually, the Government of the Northwest Territories does not receive money exclusively for aboriginal education. The only program that we have where there is something like that is that we administer, on behalf of the federal government, the University and College Entrance Program, which is designed for status and Inuit people only, according to the federal government. They give us a certain block of money. Once that block is gone, that’s all that there is for that program. That is the only program we have where money is specifically identified for education for aboriginal people. The balance of the money that this government gets is all through our Formula Financing Agreement with Canada and negotiated through the Department of Finance.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Time for oral questions has expired; however, I will allow you one more supplementary, Mr. Menicoche.

Supplementary To Question 551-15(3): Taxation On Aboriginal Education Funding

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Just with respect to that certain block that the Minister identified, I think one of the big issues we have here, Mr. Speaker, is we now have some aboriginal students from our communities who live down south. Are they eligible to access that special funding that is set aside for aboriginal students? Thank you.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Menicoche. Mr. Dent.

Further Return To Question 551-15(3): Taxation On Aboriginal Education Funding

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. We have to follow the guidelines set out by the federal government for the program. I can tell Members we are nowhere near satisfying the demand. I believe this year we had a waiting list of people who did not get any funding through the program because there was not enough money in the program to address all of the requests. The other problem with the program is it will not provide funding to Metis people. That’s something I have consistently written to the federal Minister and demanded that they reconsider their approach to this program, but I have not been successful yet. Would somebody who lived down south qualify for the program? It’s unlikely because we run out of money for northern residents before that sort of consideration could happen.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

Thank you, Mr. Dent. Time for oral questions has expired. The Chair will recognize the honourable Member for Nunakput, Mr. Pokiak.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I seek unanimous consent to return to item 5, recognition of visitors in the gallery. Thank you.