Debates of March 2, 2005 (day 47)


Minister’s Statement 102-15(3): Volunteer Declaration And Action Plan

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I am pleased to announce the release of the Government of the Northwest Territories declaration on volunteering and volunteer support initiative. Later today, I will be tabling copies for the Members’ information.

These documents signal a renewed commitment on the part of the Government of the Northwest Territories to volunteers and the important role they play in northern society.

The declaration on volunteering is a public statement of our government’s ongoing commitment to, and support for, the important role of volunteers in community life. This document will be widely released in poster format during National Volunteer Week in April.

The volunteer support initiative provides a policy framework to guide Government of the Northwest Territories activities. It is designed to outline how the government can take steps to increase volunteer participation rates and provide more effective support to individual volunteers and organizations. Specifically, it contains a number of measures designed to promote good citizenship through volunteerism, and to support non-government organizations with volunteer development.

Mr. Speaker, volunteers are a critical part of community life. They are the firefighters who protect us, the coaches who train and mentor our children, the organizers of community celebrations and the individuals who support us during difficult times.

Over the next few months, Government of the Northwest Territories departments will be working with Volunteer NWT and other organizations to develop a joint work plan to support the volunteer support initiative.

Over the long term, I am confident that we can continue to support the role of volunteers and volunteer organizations and improve the quality of life for all northerners. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
