Debates of May 31, 2006 (day 2)


Member’s Statement On Permanent Nursing And Policing Services In Wrigley

Mr. Speaker, mahsi cho. Mr. Speaker, there are only a few issues that most rural MLAs raise session after session and that is permanent nursing and policing in the communities. For some communities these issues can be approached individually or making it easier to pursue. For the community of Wrigley these services and commitments are very much connected. This government has indicated that until the police are stationed in Wrigley, Health and Social Services will not station a permanent nurse there. I find this response and approach to be unacceptable. Why is the community of Wrigley being treated different? The Deh Cho Health and Social Services Authority has already earmarked the necessary funding to station a nurse in Wrigley, so why delay, I ask.

There has been some speculation that a previous nurse felt intimidated and safety was an issue. If the Minister has made these very dramatic policy decisions based on this, why hasn’t the ministry conducted a thorough evaluation of those circumstances? This also raises another pressing issue in the Nahendeh and all over the North; funding for safety and protection services through local RCMP presence.

During the previous session in February, Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Justice responded to comments raised by my Nunakput colleague with a possible arrangement whereby a police officer could be stationed in a small community with another peace or enforcement officer. The communities have been requesting for years this type of innovation and flexibility with these interdepartmental services to maximize protective and medical services for small and remote communities. For Wrigley the list of excuses just gets longer, Mr. Speaker. No nurses unless we get policing; no policing unless we get funding for not two, but 2.5 positions. Huge strain on anybody’s resources, especially when all small communities simply ask for better health care and better policing from our government.

Mr. Speaker, I seek unanimous consent to conclude my statement.

Speaker: MR. SPEAKER

The Member is seeking unanimous consent to conclude his statement. Are there any nays? There are no nays. You may conclude your statement, Mr. Menicoche.

Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker and honourable colleagues. Will this government stop increasing our bureaucratic responses and start doing our best for our people? Will this government take their own ideas and follow through on them? Wrigley’s needs are everybody’s needs, Mr. Speaker: simple community-based health and policing services. Mahsi cho.
