Debates of October 24, 2006 (day 14)


Member’s Statement On Paulatuk Community Freezers

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, on my tour of Paulatuk on September 13th, 2006, I had an opportunity to speak with the mayor, who is also the resource person for the Paulatuk Hunters' and Trappers' Committee. Mr. Speaker, I was informed that many of the residents had stored their traditional food at the local community freezer after a successful spring and fall hunt. At the same time, Mr. Speaker, the Paulatuk Hunters' and Trappers' Committee had a refrigerator repairman travel to Paulatuk to conduct what was thought to be a minor repair to the local community freezer. Mr. Speaker, it turns out the compressor was dysfunctional to even be repaired. The estimate to repair the compressor was about 35 to 40 thousand dollars.

Mr. Speaker, because of the breakdown of the community freezer, many residents lost most of their traditional food which was to last over a few months. We know the cost of living at the local Northern Stores. Bought food is very expensive in isolated communities. Mr. Speaker, in 2005-2006 the then Department of RWED purchased 25 freezers for Paulatuk and 25 freezers for Ulukhaktok. There was an understanding, if required, the Department of ITI now would provide further freezers.

Mr. Speaker, a freezer is a vital component of household items to store traditional and store-bought food. Given the understanding, Mr. Speaker, why weren’t these freezers purchased and sent to Paulatuk this summer? Mr. Speaker, in closing, I will have questions for the Minister of ITI at the appropriate time. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
