Debates of February 24, 2005 (day 43)
Member’s Statement On Access To Adequate And Healthy Housing
Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to talk about shelters or what some people in this House might call housing.
I like to use the term “shelter,” because in many instances, that is exactly what people are living in, not a home or a house but an enclosure that protects the occupants from the natural elements.
Mr. Speaker, many of my constituents, especially families with children, are housed in squalid and unhealthy conditions. Their living conditions negatively affect their family fabric which holds them together. By this, I mean families are considering splitting because this will make public housing more accessible for them to move into.
Mr. Speaker, this is not an isolated incident and it’s certainly not an issue that’s new to the local housing authorities in our communities. People are taking drastic measures to deal with housing issues, measures that have long-term effects on all family members of the household, especially the children.
In most cases where I have been informed from conversations with my constituents, it’s solely based on the lack of community consultation and support from the housing department for families who are living in extremely old and deteriorated housing units. It seems like the Housing Corporation is still revelling about the fact that they gave a family a house 15 years ago for a mere $5,000 and that they should be happy with that. Well, Mr. Speaker, many of these houses were 40-years-old 15 years ago and because the cost to bring them to an acceptable living standard today is considered too high for the Housing Corporation to invest in, people are left with no other option than to stay where they are or to fix the house themselves. That can be very difficult for a family with three or four kids, with no definite source of income because of high unemployment and little economic development in many of our small communities.
Mr. Speaker, everybody has the right to live in a safe, decent and healthy environment. I will ask the Minister of Housing to make a commitment to the residents of the NWT for a fair and impartial process in the consideration of housing needs of the people regardless of past dealings, a commitment ensuring that housing clients receive solid service reflective of a good government devoid of any prejudice, bias and subjectivity. This is what my constituents ask of this government, to be mindful of the concerns of the residents of this territory to whom the government serves. Mahsi, Mr. Speaker.