Debates of August 15, 2007 (day 10)


Member’s Statement On Condition Of The Dempster Highway

Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, before I start, I would like to extend my condolences for the family of Stella Bourque, a long-time resident of Inuvik, and also the family of Rosie Firth who always welcomed you into her home when you visited Fort McPherson.

Mr. Speaker, I take my role as MLA quite seriously. I sometimes use a little humour to get my message across but, Mr. Speaker, the condition of the Dempster Highway is no laughing matter, even though it is a joke.


Two hundred and seventy three kilometers from Inuvik to the border. I was pleased to see the Minister of Transportation and also the Minister of Public Works went and took a ride on that highway. I would like to have been part of that ride because I can see two Ministers riding together complimenting each other on the condition of the road and wondering what we are complaining about.

I bumped into people and they tell me, are you going to speak to the Dempster Highway, are you going to speak to the Dempster Highway? Of all the years they’ve lived up there, this is the worst they’ve ever seen it. Some members of AOC and myself had the privilege of visiting Tsiigehtchic in June. The drive to Tsiigehtchic and back wasn’t a privilege, but the visit was. It is a very dangerous road, Mr. Speaker. This weekend coming up is going to be a particularly busy time on the highway as many people from Inuvik are going to be going down to Dawson City for their annual Discovery Day weekend. I am sure there are going to be vehicles on the side of the road. There will be for sure. We usually have a couple of people roll this time of year. The highway is in terrible condition.

I listened, with great interest, to Mr. Handley’s comments on infrastructure and talking about the highway and the money they put into the highway, but there was no mention of Highway No. 8 or the Dempster Highway in his statement. Mr. Handley, I was paying attention to your statement. There is no money there. The money that does go into the highway I don’t think is enough. I am sure the Minister has his own personal opinion of the highway now that he’s been on it.

Our mandate of this 15th Assembly is almost over, but we have to put it into the business plans for the 16th Assembly to have a serious look at redoing the Dempster Highway and making it safer for the residents of the Beaufort-Delta because they deserve the opportunity to travel on a very nice highway. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.